Instructions on upgrading PunBB using patch files """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Download the appropriate file and place it in the parent directory of your PunBB root directory. I.e. if your forums are located in public_html/forums/ you should place the patch file direcly in the public_html/ folder. Then, issue the following command in your shell: patch -ul -d [punbb_dir] -p2 < [patch_file] Replace [punbb_dir] with the path to your forums root directory and [patch_file] with the name of the patch file. If you are running an unmodified version of PunBB, the command should finish quickly without any failures. If it does fail, you will have to update the failed files manually. Please note that after patching the scripts, you will still need to run the appropriate update scripts that are located in the scripts folder of every release.