1 (edited by slickplaid 2009-02-27 14:43)

Topic: Field Overflow or List Issue

I think I might have found an issue with making a long (775 words, 4,035 characters including spaces) post surrounded by list tags and inside one bulletpoint tag.

When I submitted the post, it just came back to the edit post page with a blank textarea. Luckily, I had copied it so I pasted it back into the field and submitted it again with the same effect. I went back out and saw that it was listing my post as being posted but when I tried to view the thread, it came up with a 500 error.

I don't think this is a MySQL error as to rectify the problem I just removed the bbcode tags and it posted fine and displays fine. I'd try it in here to replicate the problem but I don't want to cause any issues in this forum and force you to manually edit the SQL database to fix the problem like I did.

The post was basically formatted like this:

  • Long paragraphs of text here.

I'll leave it up to the admins to test it in here if they're willing.

I'm running

  • PunBB version 1.3.2

  • Operating system: Linux

  • PHP: 5.2.6

  • Accelerator: N/A

  • Database: MySQL Improved 5.0.67

  • Rows: 73,080

  • Size: 5.60 MB

Re: Field Overflow or List Issue

I've tried to post a message like this:

[*]Many words here (about 5 Kb)

Both test forum installations on FreeBSD and Windows work perfect. Could you please send me a message that causes the issue (via PM or e-mail)?