1 (edited by whatrevolution 2008-12-22 15:21)

Topic: [Release] Smiley Browser (JavaScripted scrolling smilies list)

This is a modification of the PunBB 1.3.2 extension "BBCode Buttons", version 1.2.1 bar.php, thus has no hook to extend.  We wouldn't want a hook anyway, because we need to replace code.

At Line 56 we see:

foreach ($tags as $filename => $tag)



This foreach() will end at Line 79, and continues through building a list of smilies in <img> tags.  After the previously mentioned foreach() loop, we want to replace the remainder of the file beginning at Line 81.

Line 81, to EOF:

 * Smiley Browser.
 * Build a scrolling list of the available smilies.
 * @author whatrevolution - http://www.honestlyillustrated.com
 * @license GPL - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * @package honest_quick_smilies
// Setup values for smiley set
$smilies = array_unique($smilies);
$smile_count = count($smilies);
$smile_limit = 5;
$smile_index = 0;

      <script type="text/javascript">
        smile_img = new Image();
        smile_img_new = new Image();

        smile_count = <?php echo $smile_count; ?>;

        var smile_index = new Array();
        var i = <?php echo $smile_index; ?>;
        var limit = <?php echo $smile_limit; ?>;
        while (i <= limit) {
          smile_index[i] = i;

        var smilies = new Array();
        var smilies_text = new Array();

foreach ($smilies as $smile_text => $smile_file) {
  echo '"'.$smile_text.'", ';

foreach ($smilies as $smile_text => $smile_file) {
  echo '"'.$smile_file.'", ';

        function bbCodePreview(i) {
          if (i != 'none') {
            preview = "URL("+document.getElementById('smile-'+i).src+") no-repeat center center";
            txt = 'Click to insert '+document.getElementById('smile-'+i).alt+' at text cursor.';
          else {
            preview = "none";
            txt = '';
          document.getElementById('pun_bbcode_smile_preview').style.background = preview;
          document.getElementById('pun_bbcode_smile_text').innerHTML = txt;

        function bbCodeToggle(change) {
          var c = <?php echo $smile_index; ?>;
          var limit = <?php echo $smile_limit; ?>;
          while (limit) {
            var changed = eval(smile_index[c]+change);
            if (changed < 0) {
              changed = eval(changed+smile_count);
            } else if (changed > eval(smile_count-1)) {
              changed = eval(changed-smile_count);

            smile_index[c] = changed;

            smile_img_new.src = '<?php echo $base_url; ?>/img/smilies/'+smilies[smile_index[c]];

            if ( !smile_img.src || (smile_img_new.src != smile_img.src) ) {
              document.getElementById('smile-'+c).src = smile_img_new.src;
              document.getElementById('smile-'+c).alt = smilies_text[smile_index[c]];
          // This will show you the image index
          //document.getElementById('pun_bbcode_smile_text').innerHTML = change+' :: '+smile_index[0]+' : '+smile_index[1]+' : '+smile_index[2]+' : '+smile_index[3]+' : '+smile_index[4]+' : '+smile_index[5]+' : '+smile_index[6]+' : '+smile_index[7]+' : '+smile_index[8]+' : '+smile_index[9];

      <div id="pun_bbcode_smile_preview">

      <div id="pun_bbcode_smilies">
        <h4>Smiley Browser <noscript>(requires JavaScript)</noscript></h4>
        <div id="pun_bbcode_smilies_list">
          <a href="javascript:bbCodeToggle('-1')">&lt;&lt;&lt;</a>
// Display the smiley set
foreach ($smilies as $smile_text => $smile_file) {
  echo '<a onMouseOver="bbCodePreview(\''.$smile_index.'\')" onMouseOut="bbCodePreview(\'none\')" href="javascript:insert_text(smilies_text[smile_index['.$smile_index.']]+\' \', \'\');" tabindex="'.($tabindex--).'"><img id="smile-'.$smile_index.'" src="'.$base_url.'/img/smilies/'.$smile_file.'" alt="'.$smile_text.'" /></a>'."\n";
  if ($smile_index >= $smile_limit) break;
?>          <a href="javascript:bbCodeToggle('+1')">&gt;&gt;&gt;</a>
      <span id="pun_bbcode_smile_text" style="clear:both;">

This change provides a left and right arrow, which scrolls a limited list of images from the $smilies array.  Left is -1, Right is +1 to the indexed list.  The list wraps onto itself in a loop.

The result resembles this:

Now you want to style those new elements by doing something like this in StyleName_cs.css:

.brd #pun_bbcode_smilies {
  position: relative;
  right: 5px; top:5px;
  width:auto; height:auto;
  text-align: center;

.brd #pun_bbcode_smilies a > img {
  width:15px; height:15px;

.brd #pun_bbcode_smilies > h4 {
  border-bottom: 1px solid #700000;
  margin: 0; padding: .1em .1em .5em .1em;
  font-size: 11pt;
  text-align: center;

.brd #pun_bbcode_smilies > h4 > noscript {
  font-size: .6em;
  font-weight: bold;

.brd #pun_bbcode_smilies_list {
  background: #280000;
  border: 2px solid #700000;
  border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
  margin: 0; padding: .25em .1em;
  text-align: center;

.brd #pun_bbcode_smile_preview {
  border:1px solid #911;

.brd #pun_bbcode_smile_text {
  display: block;
  float: left;
  height: 1.5em;
  padding: .1em;

I get this result:

Now install my Quick Smilies extension, to have all of your smilies added to this interactive list, automagically.

The combined result will be:

Re: [Release] Smiley Browser (JavaScripted scrolling smilies list)

Looks a bit sexy.
Might install it later

Re: [Release] Smiley Browser (JavaScripted scrolling smilies list)

nice work

Re: [Release] Smiley Browser (JavaScripted scrolling smilies list)

does it work with 1.3.4 punBB ?