Topic: IE 5, IE 5.5 and Opera 6 users cannot login (v

Is this a known issue / bug ?

Situation is this:

I have a closed forum (punBB installation) where only registered users can login.
All of the problem-browsers from the subject can see the login screen, but after success message it redirects to the login screen again.

Re: IE 5, IE 5.5 and Opera 6 users cannot login (v

more like a cookie problem. Accept cookies on the forum and try agian..

Re: IE 5, IE 5.5 and Opera 6 users cannot login (v

? What do you mean ?

I can login fine with FF through all versions, Netscape: no problem, safari ok. IE 6: ok. It's just Opera 6 and those pesky IE 5 and IE 5.5. Opera 6 can be tricked by changing the redirect time to more than 0. so with redirect time = 0 opera 6 won't login either.