1 (edited by gribber 2003-05-18 21:46)

Topic: Massquote 1.0.1 by Gribber

##        Mod title:  Massquote
##      Mod version:  1.0.1
##   Works on PunBB:  1.0 RC 2
##     Release date:  2003-05-18
##           Author:  Linus "Gribber" Nordin (gribber@hellburner.net)
##      Description:  This mod allows you to quote multiple posts at the same
##                    time.
##   Affected files:  viewtopic.php
##                    post.php
##                    lang/en/en_topic.php
##                    lang/en/en_common.php
##                    lang/se/se_topic.php
##                    lang/se/se_common.php
##       Affects DB:  No
##     Author notes:  Makes it easier to quote multiple posts at the same
##                    time. Not testet with earlier versions of PunBB. If you
##                    experience problems with a newline around "Quote",
##                    "Edit", "Delete" and so on, you may try to add "nowrap"
##                    to the td-tag with class="pun_right" (around line 380).
##                    It should look like this after modification:
##                    <td class="pun_right" style="width: 33%" nowrap><?php
##                    print (count($actions ) > 0) ? implode(' | ', $actions)
##                    : ' '; ?></td>
##                    This version validates as HTML 4.01 Transitional too :)

Download here: http://punbb.org/contrib/mods/Massquote-1.0.1.txt

Example: http://hellburner.net/pun/

EDIT: Updated, some bugs fixed.

Re: Massquote 1.0.1 by Gribber

Just ran the demo on your test site.  This actually resolves a usability issue I've assessed with many of the "shrinkwrapped" board apps.  Well done!

Re: Massquote 1.0.1 by Gribber

It would be nice with a version of this mod compatible with 1.1...

Re: Massquote 1.0.1 by Gribber

I will take a look at it as soon as i coming home, hopefully next week. just as soon this damn holydays ends smile