1 (edited by Bzr 2006-07-23 10:22)

Topic: Accidently removed adminrights on my user.


Well, as topic reveal, I sadly removed my adminrights in my own account on the forum. So now I can't edit/delete others posts ect.

I tried do look up the problem myself in every .php file on the server, but failed hmm.

Now I ask you, who is more experienced then me. Is there a way to give my user (it still exicts, but no admin rights) the adminrights that i had before i removed it?

Edit: I am currently using 1.2.5

With Regards/Bzr

Re: Accidently removed adminrights on my user.

Think you would be able to edit that with phpmyadmin. Can anyone fill up more info to help him


Re: Accidently removed adminrights on my user.

well first of all, how did you remove your admin rights? only another admin can do that, unless you edit it in phpmyadmin.

anyway, to help you get admin back, log into your phpmyadmin. go to your PunBB database and click on users. then click browse and edit your user. find group_id and change it to 1 and then click save.
you should now be admin again smile

4 (edited by Bzr 2006-07-23 14:33)

Re: Accidently removed adminrights on my user.

I'm so glad that you left me an answer Mark, but sorry I don't know thaw phpmyadmin is.

Well now I downloaded it. It looks cinda advanced hmm. Isn't there another more simpler way to do it?

Edit, nevermind. The webhost managed to fix while he was admin in the forum aswell, so he simply gave my rights back. Thanks anyway wink

5 (edited by elbekko 2006-07-23 14:34)

Re: Accidently removed adminrights on my user.

Do you know what your user id is? (I guess it'll be 1) Then paste this code in a php file on your forum root:

define('PUN_ROOT', './');
include "includes/common.php";
$userid = 2;
$db->query("UPDATE ".$db->prefix."users" SET group_id=1 WHERE id=".$userid);
echo "User with id ".$userid." has been made administrator.";


Re: Accidently removed adminrights on my user.

no elbekko, his user id wont be 1 tongue
it'll be 2 smile
guests are 1 tongue

7 (edited by elbekko 2006-07-23 14:37)

Re: Accidently removed adminrights on my user.

updated smile Forgot that =/

Oh, and how on earth did you un-admin yourself if you can't use phpMyAdmin?


Re: Accidently removed adminrights on my user.

i said that in my first post tongue

Re: Accidently removed adminrights on my user.

Bzr: You should seriously consider upgrading to 1.2.12, for security reasons.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.