Topic: Internet Explorer and table in left

My forum:

Why in Internet Explorer table forum is in left (not in center)?

Re: Internet Explorer and table in left

help. sad


Re: Internet Explorer and table in left

Your page contains errors which are causing the page to be rendered in quirks mode rather than standards mode. In quirks mode IE6 does not recognise margin:auto. You need to fix your page before doing anything else. The most serious error is that the doctype declaration should be the first item on the page.

Re: Internet Explorer and table in left

Where is error in my index.php? Please.


Re: Internet Explorer and table in left

The Doctype declaration has to come first. You have a lump of javascript which  comes before it. Visit you web page and do view source and you will see what I mean.

Re: Internet Explorer and table in left

So, how should look it? (this javascript code)

Re: Internet Explorer and table in left

they have a html validator, it will tell you about your errors