Topic: Remove footer

I have a custom made first page at my forum (news and some more) - but I would like to remove the box at the bottom (the where it says 'powred by punbb'). But I want to keep it on all the other pages (forums, other custom pages). Is there any easy way to do this?

Re: Remove footer

You probably just have to delete a line like

require footer

or something like that at the bottom of the file

FluxBB - v1.4.8

Re: Remove footer

Nopp, already tried that and that didnt work... Thanks though wink
Using to create the page and if you remove the 'require footer' the pages shows nothing...


Re: Remove footer

Make a copy of footer.php.  Within the copy, delete everything you don't want.  Then within index.php, require the copy instead of the normal footer.


Re: Remove footer

hey that is not allowed because you must aware of the licence


Re: Remove footer

Rio, removing the copyright notice from the footer (or removing the footer totally) is permitted.

Re: Remove footer

If you are trying to prevent spammers from finding your board, u might make it an image and use a rel="nofollow" link and no alt tag with it.

Its not 100% foolproof, it probably only prevents like 5% of spam bots from finding your board but every bit helps.