(124 replies, posted in News)

Smartys wrote:

Oh yes, we always support upgrading to the newest version smile

ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! Keep up the GREAT work guys!


(124 replies, posted in News)

...and although I was a lurker for a while (only registered today), why has this announcement stirred so much garbage here?

Honestly - I don't care.

As an example - mambo was great, and after the fork - now joomla looks even better (v1.5 RC1). So how and why is this a problem?

I used PunBB on many intranets, and CHARGED clients to set it up. Rikard and others put a LOT of work in this, offer came, and what is the problem in accepting it? Does it matter really?

I'm more concerned about the changes 1.3 will bring about. Will it offer some sort of Upgrade package? THAT would be the ONLY concern I have atm.

I'm happy for PunBB Devs to be able to get a bit of $$$ for their work.