i see now my profile settings was set to oxygen.
I thinked by default its now for all users uses same style.

Possible when im old user then it uses oxygen?


(52 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

this style works with latest PunBB 1.3.4?

i cant see it uploaded to webspace but PunBB doesnt shows it in style combobox.

I like this style bether.

it works now i uploaded the informer style with wrong name ,
seems it needs that i must rename to Informer.


i have problem with my forum i switched to SilverLight, but it was only working when not logged in,when i logged to the forums it uses then the Oxygen style.

anybody know why i get this problem?


(1 replies, posted in Archive)


i have set for clickable kommte:// link in parser.php
but this not make a sence mean not work.

    $text = preg_replace('#(?<=[\s\]\)])(<)?(\[)?(\()?([\'"]?)(https?|ftp|news|kommute){1}://([\w\-]+\.([\w\-]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^\s\[]*[^\s.,?!\[;:-])?)\4(?(3)(\)))(?(2)(\]))(?(1)(>))(?![^\s]*\[/(?:url|img)\])#ie', 'stripslashes(\'$1$2$3$4\').handle_url_tag(\'$5://$6\', \'$5://$6\', true).stripslashes(\'$4$10$11$12\')', $text);

but it will not clickable i must use to get clickable?

or i must rewrite handle_url_tag ?

    $full_url = str_replace(array(' ', '\'', '`', '"'), array('%20', '', '', ''), $url);
    if (strpos($url, 'www.') === 0)            // If it starts with www, we add http://
        $full_url = 'http://'.$full_url;
    else if (strpos($url, 'ftp.') === 0)    // Else if it starts with ftp, we add ftp://
        $full_url = 'ftp://'.$full_url;
    else if (!preg_match('#^([a-z0-9]{3,6})://#', $url))     // Else if it doesn't start with abcdef://, we add http://
        $full_url = 'http://'.$full_url;

But this it will add 2 "kommute://"

    else if (strpos($url, 'kommute://') === 0)    
        $full_url =kommute://'.$full_url;

how must it look to get work?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)


i have set forclickable kommte:// link in parser.php
but this not make a sence mean not work.

    $text = preg_replace('#(?<=[\s\]\)])(<)?(\[)?(\()?([\'"]?)(https?|ftp|news|kommute){1}://([\w\-]+\.([\w\-]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^\s\[]*[^\s.,?!\[;:-])?)\4(?(3)(\)))(?(2)(\]))(?(1)(>))(?![^\s]*\[/(?:url|img)\])#ie', 'stripslashes(\'$1$2$3$4\').handle_url_tag(\'$5://$6\', \'$5://$6\', true).stripslashes(\'$4$10$11$12\')', $text);

but it will not clickable i must use to get clickable?

or i must rewrite handle_url_tag ?

    $full_url = str_replace(array(' ', '\'', '`', '"'), array('%20', '', '', ''), $url);
    if (strpos($url, 'www.') === 0)            // If it starts with www, we add http://
        $full_url = 'http://'.$full_url;
    else if (strpos($url, 'ftp.') === 0)    // Else if it starts with ftp, we add ftp://
        $full_url = 'ftp://'.$full_url;
    else if (!preg_match('#^([a-z0-9]{3,6})://#', $url))     // Else if it doesn't start with abcdef://, we add http://
        $full_url = 'http://'.$full_url;

But this it will add 2 "kommute://"

    else if (strpos($url, 'kommute://') === 0)    
        $full_url =kommute://'.$full_url;

how must it look to get work?

ok i look into functions.php, but i use punBB 1.3 there is no extra links in Administration Panel or?

Thanks i found it!:D

theforkofjustice wrote:

I don't see the /tmp folder in my project or user webspace
I DO have a 'persistent' folder but don't know how to use it 
And I'm very certain webspace applications can't write to the webspace even if you upload blank cache files and change their permissions to 755 mad

If there were a way to symlink to a writable directory I'd be in business but no luck yet.  Can someone explain these instructions to me?  I may be missing something but I can't see how they are adaptable to punbb (or even how they work for phpbb).

the howot for phpBB is not realy up to date with SourceForge changes.

you must create on your 'persistant' folder

1. 'cache' folder and a 'img/avatar' folder

2. remove the folders from  forum/'cache' and forum'/img/avatars'

3. now you does make symlink

symlink /home/groups/m/my/myproject/persistent/cache /home/groups/my/myproject/htdocs/forum/cache
symlink /home/groups/m/my/myproject/persistent/img/avatars /home/groups/m/my/myproject/htdocs/forum/img/avatars

At last you must set the rights for this folders  forum/'cache' forum/'img/avatars'  777.

i used winscp for that set rights , i doest get worked under linux that and dont know how.


im not a php expert, but i know how in html , but where i must add in punBB source?
to put some links there after index link?

        <li id="navindex" class="isactive"><a href="http://myproject.sourceforge.net/forum/index.php">Index</a></li>
        <li id="navuserlist"><a href="http://myproject.sourceforge.net/team.html">Team</a></li>

where i can add link my team.html link? in punBB source?

install phpBB its little bit different.
and the howto for phpBB seems not more up to date.

I get installed punBB on sourceforge without problems too:


mkdir /home/groups/m/my/myproject/persistent/cache

symlink /home/groups/m/my/myproject/persistent/cache /home/groups/my/myproject/htdocs/forum/cache

mkdir /home/groups/m/my/myproject/persistent/img/avatars

symlink /home/groups/m/my/myproject/persistent/img/avatars /home/groups/m/my/myproject/htdocs/forum/img/avatars

Change the rights of /home/groups/m/my/myproject/htdocs/forum/cache (a+rwx)
Change the rights of /home/groups/m/my/myproject/htdocs/forum/img/avatars (a+rwx)

Dont copy the cache and the img/avatars folder to /htdocs/forum/ on sourceforge!


(28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


Latest phpBB works on Sourceforge.net

Then i have get successfull worked the cache and other things.
Mean can use same install method for PunBB too?

i will install PunBB forum on my  sourceforge.net Project , i will look if it will work.