
But it's very important for me to solve this problem.

Another thing: nobody has problems with logining when I use punBB v1.1, and I lost almost a half of users when decided to upgrade to punBB 1.2

So, the next smile question, what has changed in user identification in v. 1.2 apposed to v. 1.1 ?

Thx in advance


IE6, Opera 7

But they are using corporate firewall, which, I suppose, sents HTTP/1.0 headers.

Also, they have no problems with other forums (build on phpBB or other engines)

So, is it possile to save session information both in cookies and in URLs/hidden fields?


(88 replies, posted in Archive)


'Write message legend'        =>        'Íàïèøèòå Âàøå ñîîáùåíèå è îòïðàâüòå åãî',


Some users of my forum cannot log in: they type correct username and password.

Then "Logged In. Redirecting...". And, finnaly, "Your are not logged in"

I have analyzed server logs, and noticed, that requests from their IPs look like
"GET /forum/index.php HTTP/1.0" 200 7688

But for other users, I see: "GET /forum/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 2375

All other things are the same (cookies are enabled, no frames or redirects)