I have post a mail to you.

a Simplified_Chinese Language file


// Language definitions for frequently used strings
$lang_attach = array(

// viewtopic.php
'Attachments:'            =>    '??:',    // Used in viewtopic before attachments in the post.
'Size:'                    =>    '??:',        // Used in viewtopic to show filesize of attachment.
'bytes'                    =>    '??',        // Used in viewtopic after the filesize.
'Downloads:'            =>    '??:',    // Used in viewtopic to show number of downloads.

'Attachment'            =>    '??',    // Used in post the legend name
'Note'                    =>    '??: ?????????????????',    //Used in post to display a note under the attachment field

'Delete?'                =>    '???',        // Used in edit.php, after the delete checkbox for each attachment...
'Existing'                =>    '????: (?????????)',    //Used in edit.php, before the existing attachments that you're allowed to delete
'Existing2'                =>    '????: (?????)',    //Used in edit.php, before the existing attachments that you aren't allowed to delete
'Upload'                =>    '?????, ??: %%ATTACHMENTS%% attachments',    //Used in edit.php, before the upload field, %%ATTACHMENTS%% must be there, it will show how many attachment the user has as a maximum...
'Note2'                    =>    '??: ??????????????????????.',    //Used in edit to display a note under the attachment field

// attach.php
'Image view - Attachment Mod'    =>    '???? - Attachment Mod',    // Used in attach.php, header on the Image view frame.
'Download:'                        =>    '??:'                        // Used in attach.php, where one can click the filename to download.

I using it now on my forum

my program is rough,i hope someone can optimize it smile

Topic Attachment Icon

// If there are topics in this forum.
if ($db->num_rows($result))


//BEGIN Topic attachments icon
$AttachRes = $db->query('SELECT DISTINCT '.$db->prefix.'posts.topic_id FROM '.$db->prefix.'attach_2_files,'.$db->prefix.'posts WHERE '.$db->prefix.'attach_2_files.post_id = '.$db->prefix.'posts.id') or error('Unable to fetch attach_topic_id', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
    if($db->num_rows($AttachRes)) {
        $AttachTopic = array ();
        while($AttachRows = $db->fetch_row($AttachRes)) {
//END Topic attachments icon


// Should we display the dot or not? :)
        if (!$pun_user['is_guest'] && $pun_config['o_show_dot'] == '1')


//BEGIN Topic attachments icon
if(in_array($cur_topic['id'],$AttachTopic)) {
            $subject = '<FONT style="font-family : Courier New ;font-size : 12px;color: #000000" >@</FONT> '.$subject;
//END Topic attachments icon