i got it to work ok when i changed the XML declaration to UTF-8 instead in marker.php


Havent tried this but i saw in the include/parser.php there is a max depth of quote to parse around line 135> $max_depth = 3;
maybe u could try to set depth to zero?

Incendiary wrote:

Thanks Mart, that fixed the problem with the profile pages.  The JS error I get in IE for the User Map page is

Line: 123
Char: 3
Error: 'documentElement' is null or not an object

In IE6 using 1.0.2, still get this message.

Line: 147
Char: 3
Error: 'documentElement' is null or not an object

which is:         var markers = xmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker");

However in FF, works perfectly.

Now i keep getting this error: An error was encountered

Error: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xx' (115).

xxx -- server ip address
something to do with punBB? probably not?

sham wrote:

Thanks for this great mod... I'm succesfully run this mod (1.2.1) on phunbb v.1.2.6, every thing is working fine except when I switch to sent, there's no message on it even i send a message..

Please help me resolve this...

Same here.. works fine on 1.2.6 except that the sent messages are not saved (shown) in the Sent folder.

Done. Using EasyBBCode + Smiley plugin + some javascript.

this also works for 1.2.6

How do i make only 12 (standard) smileys appear in the quickpost and post area, and with a link that a user can click where a popup window of all other smileys can be called. A click on the smiley should send the corresponding text symbol to the post <textarea>. Am i making sense?

just that if i am using 50 smileys as part of the parse.php array, then i would end up with a post area that is full of icons :-)

Connorhd wrote:
$thisdate = date('l, d F Y', ($cur_topic['posted'] + ($pun_user['timezone'] - $pun_config['o_server_timezone']) * 3600));

i think

that works for me.

Is there a simple script to view  a user profile by either $cur_user['id'] or $pun_user['username'] ?

echo '<a href="http://myforum.com/profile.php?id='.$pun_user['username'].'">Your Profile</a>';

will do the same as below:

echo '<a href="http://myforum.com/profile.php?id='.$cur_user['id'].'">Your Profile</a>';

darn it..
now if i want to add pic, it says:
No input file specified. ???

whats wrong?

got it.. just that the poll being refered to as topic :-) thats probably why i missed it.

Thanks pokemon: I actually did that already :-)

Why popup? If I can make a popup that auto-close on mouse blur, for me, this is a better navigation rather than clicking on an image link, and clicking on the BACK to go to the gallery page.


this is superb. I used ver1.0+ before and added popup link so that the images can be shown in a popup window instead by using onclick javascript function. WIth this 2.0beta, sicne the images are called by parsing pid=x into header(location:xx), i cant figure out how to do popup now.  also php cant do popup.

any idea?

i'm still trying.

So connorhd, i think this is due to the script using the server timezone, without taking into account the users set timezone. Any update on this?

This is so dumb -- the poll 1.1.2 is working great but i cant figure out how to access moderatepoll.php? is there supposed to be a link or something underneath a poll to be moderated, or in the moderator or admin menu??

/me learning from mistakes :-)

Make sure the forum_id is correct from which you want the news to be grabbed from.
You can get this forum_id by looking at either your db entry in phypmyadmin, or hover your mouse to the forum link and look for the link at the status bar i.e. viewforum.php?id=XX

Solved. Just some if-else tweaking in viewforum.php to allow only admin to post poll.

Connorhd, probably its my setting but i just realized that in the index.php page, the posting time is shown correctly except that its AM/PM is "reversed". Messages posted in the forum (as referenced by forum_id) have the correct time, say 10:00 AM, but this appears as 10:00 PM in the index page. :-) hahaha

My server timezone is set at -04, while i'm +8GMT.

;-) tq smart

how abt category hide?

I used the following to hide Ads from certain forum, in this case forum_id=11.

    if ($post_count == '1' && $adsense_config['google_adsense_enabled'] == '1' && $cur_topic['forum_id'] != '11') {

Now, how do I hide the ads from a certain category or more  forums?

TQ + regards


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I added this to parser.php and call iframe url in forum post using [iframe url=http://www.xx.com width=xx height=xx]
just an extension from the [swf] from lulu (?]


// remove paragraphs
$text = str_replace('<p></p>', '', '<p>'.$text.'</p>');

$codeiframe = "\n\t\t\t\t\t<iframe src=\"\$1\" name=\"radio\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" width=\"\$2\" height=\"\$3\"></iframe>\n\t\t\t\t\t";
$text = preg_replace("/\[iframe url=([^ ]+) width=([0-9]*) height=([0-9]*)\]/", $codeiframe, $text);

yes! this is solved -- my forum id was wrong :-) duh duh