(52 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

devinkray wrote:

i was in sweden over the summer, can't wait to go back!

Happy to here you like my beloved country! The home of Skurt and Rickard Andersson!


(52 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


Maybe this one is little bit more interpretable.


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

Åkej! smile


(52 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Here is some more smilies in the original PunBB-smilie-style me and my friends have made!

smile neutral sad big_smile yikes wink hmm tongue lol mad roll cool

http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/grater.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/rodnar.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/butter.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/angel.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/visslar.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/acklad.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/rock.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/retas.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/sover.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/sjuk.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/lyssna.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/supermario.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/albert.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/styrka.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/dumbom.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/puss.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/storstark.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/hjarta.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/par.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/kapitulation.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/uppmaning.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/offtopic.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/skurt.gif

Download: http://www.brunna.se/more_punbb_smilies.zip (including fixed parser.php file)

The green frog with cap to the right is a Swedish celebrity called Skurt and are most famous for an exclusive interview with the Swedish Crown Princess Victoria every Christmas (don't ask why). I would be honured if you used his smilie to help me spread his name over the world.

Edit: More: http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/grater.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/fuckyou.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/kram.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/tummenupp.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/buga.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/skitarg.gif  http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/stolt.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/va.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/tillfreds.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/huh.gif

Of course! No problem! http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/storstark.gif

I'm happy to hear that! It took a lot of time to make them. smile

The text on the sign say "Stick to the topic!", but feel free to change it.

I have also located the problem to step 39 in the readme.txt.

#---------[ 38. FIND (line:261) ]-----------------------------------------------------

    $db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'groups SET g_title=\''.$db->escape($title).'\', g_user_title='.$user_title.', g_read_board='.$read_board.', g_post_replies='.$post_replies.', g_post_topics='.$post_topics.', g_edit_posts='.$edit_posts.', g_delete_posts='.$delete_posts.', g_delete_topics='.$delete_topics.', g_set_title='.$set_title.', g_search='.$search.', g_search_users='.$search_users.', g_edit_subjects_interval='.$edit_subjects_interval.', g_post_flood='.$post_flood.', g_search_flood='.$search_flood.' WHERE g_id='.$_POST['group_id']) or error('Unable to update group', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

#---------[ 39. REPLACE WITH ]-----------------------------------------------------

    $db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'groups SET g_title=\''.$db->escape($title).'\', g_user_title='.$user_title.', g_read_board='.$read_board.', g_post_replies='.$post_replies.', g_post_topics='.$post_topics.', g_edit_posts='.$edit_posts.', g_delete_posts='.$delete_posts.', g_delete_topics='.$delete_topics.', g_set_title='.$set_title.', g_search='.$search.', g_search_users='.$search_users.', g_edit_subjects_interval='.$edit_subjects_interval.', g_post_flood='.$post_flood.', g_search_flood='.$search_flood.' , g_invitations='.$invitations.' WHERE g_id='.$_POST['group_id']) or error('Unable to update group', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

And when I try to change setting for my user groups the following messege occur:

"An error was encountered
Error: Unable to update group. "

I'm using PunBB 2.1.10


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

Jag och mina vänner har gjort lite fler smilies i samma stil som orginal-PunBB-smilisarna!

smile neutral sad big_smile yikes wink hmm tongue lol mad roll cool

http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/rodnar.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/butter.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/angel.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/visslar.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/acklad.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/rock.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/retas.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/sover.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/sjuk.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/lyssna.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/supermario.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/albert.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/styrka.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/dumbom.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/puss.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/storstark.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/par.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/kapitulation.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/uppmaning.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/skurt.gif

Var bör man skapa en sån här tråd i det stora engelsktalande forumet?

Edit: Tillägg: Tråd fixad!



Edit: Here is more smilies in the orginial PunBB-smilie-style me and my friend have made!

smile neutral sad big_smile yikes wink hmm tongue lol mad roll cool

http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/rodnar.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/butter.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/angel.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/visslar.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/acklad.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/rock.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/retas.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/sover.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/sjuk.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/lyssna.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/supermario.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/albert.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/styrka.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/dumbom.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/puss.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/storstark.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/par.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/kapitulation.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/uppmaning.gif http://www.brunna.se/forum/img/smilies/skurt.gif

Edit: Go here to download: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=10172

af3 wrote:

Replika -- simple really.

a) with easy bbcode+smiley plugin installed, i just add a script to call more smileys using javascript. in all quickpost/post/edit files (viewtopic.php, edit.php, post.php) at the areas where the original smileys are located, i just added this script:

<a href="javascrip:null()" onclick="qpe=window.open('smiley.php', 'smilies', 'width=300,height=500,resizeable=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no');qpe.focus();return false">See more smilies</a>

b) i copied help.php to a new file called smiley.php, and deleted all the other non-smiley contents. insert this javascript in the header:

<script language="javascript">
function add_smiley(z){

c) add this somewhere in smiley.php when the smiley data is being read from mthe database

echo ' '.$lang_help['produces'].' <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="add_smiley(\' '.$cur_text.'\'); return true;"><img src="img/smilies/'.$cur_img.'" alt="'.$cur_text.'" border="0" /></a><br />'."\n";

So when a user click on "See more smilies", a popup window of smiley.php will open up, and a click on each smiley will send the ascii code to the post textarea.

hope that helps.

Can anyone explain this in more details? Especially the first step (A), I don't understand where to put the script. hmm

Edit: Please. smile

But how can I change the order in which the smiles are placed?

Thanks! smile

I have a problem with my forum and the modification Easy BBcode. When adding new smiles bigger then the original 15x15 size it doesn't look right when you are in the process of writing a new post. If I for example adds cards like GregK they get compressed to the size of 15x15 in the  Easy BBcode-function, but they look right in the posted post in the thread. (Do I make any sense? big_smile)


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Thanks! It worked. smile


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)



(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I accidentally replaced the footer.php in on of my forum with another footer.php-file from another punBB-forum, and no it looks like this:


Fuck! I'm about to cry now! Is there anything I can do?


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

Ja, det får duga tillsvidare. smile


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

Hur bör man översätta "Powered by" till svenska?

Har hjärnsläpp. smile


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

Jag kan tyvärr inte hjälpa dig. Men fråga på engelska så får du nog svar ganska snabbt! smile

I have done all the things they tipped about in the thread you mentioned. And almost alla problems are solved. Now you are redirected to the correct address and you can see the poll after editing or posting a message or navigate through the "last post" in index. But when using the function "Show recent posts" it still doesn't work. sad


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

Japp! big_smile

Thank you very much! smile


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

Sorry att jag svarar så sent. Jag har den dåliga vanan att komma hit oftare för att be om hjälp än att själv ge hjälp.

Jag mejlade min msn-adress till dig! Lägg till mig på din lilla lista så kan jag hjälpa dig lite!

I have installed a modification which allows polls. It works fine accept one thing. When some one navigate to the polls with the "Show recent posts" or the "last post" on the first page the link is wrong. For the poll to be visible the address needs to /forum/viewpoll.php but the address becomes /forum/viewtopic.php

If you navigate to the poll the common way it's no problem.

Can some one help me? Or do you even udnerstand what I mean? tongue I still have a hangover from new years eve. big_smile

And no, I don't now which poll-modification I've installed... YES! I am stupid.

Here is a thread to my forum and a poll if that helps. :S