I already make that one time, it is chmodded 755. What i just do today is to delete all file, then i must put 777 to begin. Then i put again 755.

What do you think i have to do ?

Where is the config table ? In my administration statistics it is write 1.2.12.

What i have done is to change the version 1.2.12 to 1.2.14 with the plugin, then i run the update for 1.2.15, it was done successfully, but not appear in my administration stats.

So then i change the version to 1.2.15 with the plugin.

I made the change by hdiff.

By running the update utility, i get an error :

Fichier : /home/login/public_html/punbbforum/12_to_1215_update.php
Ligne : 69

PunBB a rapporté :: Version mismatch. This script updates version 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.2.7, 1.2.8, 1.2.9, 1.2.10, 1.2.11, 1.2.12, 1.2.13, 1.2.14 to version 1.2.15. The database 'login_bdd2' doesn't seem to be running a supported version.

The version whitch is write on my stat is 1.2.12, but i have already update 3 months ago 1.2.12 to 1.2.14 without the change on the stat, still writing 1.2.12.

I am now try to upgrade to 1.2.15, all the file had been change manually, but i can't do the update because of the error.

When i use the changing file to upgrade to 1.2.15, i obtain my forum not still include in the page he must be include, and i get a problem with extern link, whitch don't appear any more.

Did i have to do the change manually, by using hdiff, but not the changing file.



No, not so large.

Ok. Like that it works.

It works.

But is it the very good solution ?

I made TRUNCATE pun_1search_words successfully, then still the same error by rebuilt my search index.

By prefix you mean :


In phpMyadmin i need to be very helped.

In Query, i get "Field", "Sort", "Show", "Criteria", "And Or", "Modify". I don't know how to use that. But it is not the place.

You mean i run SQL query/queries in SQL, is it the right place ?

When i try to rebuilt the search index i obtain an error:

Une erreur s'est produite
Fichier : /home/ailleu/public_html/punbbforum/include/search_idx.php
Ligne : 149

PunBB a rapporté :: Impossible d'ajouter les mots index de recherche

La base de données a rapporté : Duplicate entry 'triomphe' for key 1 (Errno: 1062)

I can't rebuilt the search index, i have the error.

Voilà en debug mode, l'erreur :

Une erreur s'est produite
Fichier : /home/ailleu/public_html/punbbforum/include/search_idx.php
Ligne : 149

PunBB a rapporté :: Impossible d'ajouter les mots index de recherche

La base de données a rapporté : Duplicate entry 'equatoriens' for key 1 (Errno: 1062)

or another

Fichier : /home/ailleu/public_html/punbbforum/include/search_idx.php
Ligne : 149

PunBB a rapporté :: Impossible d'ajouter les mots index de recherche

La base de données a rapporté : Duplicate entry 'livre' for key 1 (Errno: 1062)

I see the "rebuilt the search index" in maintenance. I don't understand what it will do, and i am afraid to do that. I don't know if javascript is activate in my navigator, How to know it ? How to activate it ?

Maybe, i can do also something in phpmyadmin, tell me. I have pun_1search_words.


I don't understand how "to put the debug mode unable".

And i don't understand how to "rebuilt my search index".

Here is the error in english :

Error : Unable to insert search index words

It is an error from include/search_idx.php

What do you think i have to do to fix it ?



When i post a message with more than one line, i get an error in french:

Erreur : Impossible d'ajouter les mots index de recherche.

I get this error but the message is well sending.

Any idea to fix my problem ?




(95 replies, posted in News)

What i mean, i find "cache directory' with 755. And my forum work like that few month, more than one year.

And suddenly, after update i have a problem which get is solution by put 777 to my cache directory.

Is it dangerous, for this directory ?


(95 replies, posted in News)

i know it is not recommanded. But it seems the only way actually for my forum work.

Is it not recommanded for cache directory ?


(95 replies, posted in News)

you mean that for this repertory "cache" read/write is for "owner" and also for "public" and "group" !

It is strange. It is strange i have to change this repertory in 777, as he was in 755 and before my forum always work good.


(95 replies, posted in News)

i do what you tell me. Deleting all.

Then problem to acces directly to the first page of the forum.

So i put 777 for the cache directory and it work now good.

Did i have to put 777 and not 755 for this directory ? Or i have to put some php file for the beginning (first page), then 755 ?

In fact, now, i have to put 777 for the visiting people.


(95 replies, posted in News)

I see the problem only happen if you are identify.

If you are a visitor, no problem to see all part of the forum.

Try to create a count if you want in my forum, you will see the problem. No acces to any part of the forum. No possibility to post.

Erreur : Impossible d'écrire le fichier cache de saut rapide de forums dans le répertoire cache. Veuillez vous assurer que PHP a l'accès en écrire au répertoire 'cache'.

Why deleting php file ? Which php files ? There are plenty of php file which are important for the forum work good.  (here are the files : cache_bans.php / cache_config.php / cache_quickjump_1.php / cache_quickjump_2.php / cache_quickjump_3.php / cache_quickjump_4.php / cache_ranks.php)
I am still thinking something happen when i upgrade.

Please Help. If someone can see if there is a problem with upgrade, as i explain in my last post.

What can i do.

It is the first time my forum don't work good.


(95 replies, posted in News)

I don't understand. Did you go to some topic or subject in my forum, like this :
http://www.ailleurprod.com/punbbforum/v … m.php?id=7
An error appears. Impossible to go.
And not only going to the index :

And i don't understand what you tell me to do. Deleting all .php file in cache directory ???
What i did is to verify all the change of file 1.2.12 to 1.2.14. It seems good.

I have just 2 things a little strange.

In "functions.php" :
all this part in dreamweaver appears "black" (if i move "one line above one line back", it appears good !! but when i oppen back it it appears still "black").

And something which appears strange for me is that we oppens a "<?php" whithout close it at anytime after.

Here is the code in functions.php



// Unset any variables instantiated as a result of register_globals being enabled
function unregister_globals()
    // Prevent script.php?GLOBALS[foo]=bar
    if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) || isset($_FILES['GLOBALS']))
        exit('I\'ll have a steak sandwich and... a steak sandwich.');
    // Variables that shouldn't be unset
    $no_unset = array('GLOBALS', '_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', '_REQUEST', '_SERVER', '_ENV', '_FILES');

    // Remove elements in $GLOBALS that are present in any of the superglobals
    $input = array_merge($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, $_ENV, $_FILES, isset($_SESSION) && is_array($_SESSION) ? $_SESSION : array());
    foreach ($input as $k => $v)
        if (!in_array($k, $no_unset) && isset($GLOBALS[$k]))
            unset($GLOBALS[$k]);    // Double unset to circumvent the zend_hash_del_key_or_index hole in PHP <4.4.3 and <5.1.4

Then in "register.php" :
all is good but it is not at the same number of line, for me the change begin at line 168 and not 175.
In fact i verify to be sure it don't seems to be the upgrade who create this problem, but it happen really after the upgrade.



(95 replies, posted in News)


In fact, as i made the upgrade 1.2.12 to 1.2.14, i have a big problem !!

I cannot go anywhere in my forum and the error is (in french) :

Erreur : Impossible d'écrire le fichier cache de saut rapide de forums dans le répertoire cache. Veuillez vous assurer que PHP a l'accès en écrire au répertoire 'cache'.

you can see it by going in this forum :

and by clicking any subject.

Very big problem.

Can you tell me in which way can go to fixe this problem.

I retell you i just upgrade by write some pages, 1.2.12 to 1.2.14

Please help.


(95 replies, posted in News)

Ok, thank you. It's done.


(95 replies, posted in News)


I am with punbb 1.2.12

To upgrade to 1.2.14, i made all change of files by using the hdiff-1.2.12_to_1.2.14.html except the "install.php".

The "install.php" i find is 1.2.9, and it is not at all what is good to made change.

So i see i need a "install.php" for 1.2.14

If some one can give me an "install.php" for 1.2.14

In fact i need the complete code of "install.php" for 1.2.14.



Ok ! Thanks !!

However in this site PunBB.org you have two title like me :

PunBB.org Forums/No title of the page of my punbbforum in google !
