(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Very nice, and very clean! The onyl suggestion I would make is at the bottom where you have 'hosted by mutualaid.org | Home | Forum | Petition | Links | About | Contact'. Have like a 1% padding on top and the bottom of those links so it is not all bunched up.

ontap, I very much appreciate the in dept response. I got the logout redirect to work and it works great!

After reading on how to add the username to the database, it seems a little complicated tongue I was also wondering, should I create a new database for the new, or create the news table in the forums db?


I'm having a hard time making it redirect to my index page instead of the forums index when I logout.

Any ideas?

Very nice, thank you! smile

Also, like I mentioned above. I'm making a news script with comments. And I wanted to make it so the users had to be logged in before they were allowed to post comments. Is there a way that when they submit their comment, it takes their username, and puts it in a field in my database? So everyone knows who commented.

Thank you.

A++, works like a charm.

This little tutorial looks great and I intend to use it on my site. But I was thinking about having an add comment for my news, reviews, interviews, etc. But that you had to be logged in to post comments. Does that mean I could do something along the lines of :

if ($pun_user['is_guest']) 
     echo "You must register in order to post comments!";
     // Display the form to post comments