(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

image tell more..
there is no eror log generate


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Visman wrote:
$pattern[] = '%(?<=^|\s)(?:#(\w+))(?=\s|$)%u'; 
$replace[] = '<a href=\"http://search.twitter.com/search?q=$matches[1]\" target=\"_blank\">#$matches[1]</a>';

Test https://regex101.com/r/hV1gP3/1

this code work if any link on post,
if dont have link the hashtags wont be able sad
please ur help

i've 2 questions through script before:
- why use % insted # ?
- why use u instead ms ?

please give me explain for learn it big_smile

let me learn


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

here my script

    $pattern[] = '#(#(\w+))#ms'; 
    $replace[] = '<a href=\"http://search.twitter.com/search?q=$matches[2]\" target=\"_blank\">#$matches[1]</a>'; 

but didnt work, why ?
i use punbb 144 n php 5.6

please ur help punbb

i have read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2626 … deprecated

PHP Deprecated:  Automatically populating $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. To avoid this warning set 'always_populate_raw_post_data' to '-1' in php.ini and use the php://input stream instead. in Unknown on line 0

what affected with this file?
i dont understand this mean?
someone can help ?


(85 replies, posted in News)

Visman wrote:

hook ft_about_output_start

if (in_array(FORUM_PAGE, array('index', 'viewtopic', 'viewforum')))
    include FORUM_ROOT . 'analyticstracking.php';
<hook id="ft_about_output_start"><![CDATA[
if (in_array(FORUM_PAGE, array('index', 'viewtopic', 'viewforum')))
    include FORUM_ROOT . 'analyticstracking.php';

in admin panel extension menu, there are generate Server error 500

PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'hook' in /home/abc/public_html/include/xml.php(100) : eval()'d code on line 1
PHP Fatal error:  Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/abc/public_html/include/xml.php(100) : eval()'d code on line 1

then i change hook into ft_js_include & problem solved smile

Thxx a lot Mr.Visman for help.
thxx punbb <3

problem solved with some eror

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '==' (T_IS_EQUAL) in /home/abc/public_html/viewtopic.php(361) : eval()'d code on line 35

but has fix thxx for clue Mr.Visman
thxx punbb <3

ex: http://s8.postimg.org/5kk4zxxdh/2015_11_30_063835.png
whatt hook i must used if that can see in first post only in viewtopic ?
please ur help punbb


(85 replies, posted in News)

i want palce this code on index, viewforum & viewtopic

<?php include_once("analyticstracking.php") ?>

how to write hook for make extension for this?
please ur help


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)

where the link?


(85 replies, posted in News)

Visman wrote:
    $pattern[] = '#\[sup\](.*?)\[/sup\]#ms';
    $replace[] = '<sup id="one">$matches[1]</sup>';

great prblem solved.
Thxx u Mr visman


(85 replies, posted in News)

hy punbb all member
how to solve this with php 5.6 ?
here my code

    $pattern[] = '#\[sup\](.*?)\[/sup\]#ms';
    $replace[] = '<sup id="one">$1</sup>';

thxx u mr visman
let me check out


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)

then with 1.4.4 still get an eror with this post icon

Sorry! The page could not be loaded.
This is probably a temporary error. Just refresh the page and retry. If problem continues, please check back in 5-10 minutes.

how to destroy or convert this into databse n can be read for public

where is ur web? i want to see

why this is happen?

how can be hack if not enable?
any tutorial?

how can be hack if not enable?
any tutorial?

i must click confirm button for many time until can login.
make a bad for user is using self browser.

Please confirm or cancel your last action
Unable to confirm security token. A likely cause for this is that some time passed between when you first entered the page and when you submitted a form or clicked a link. If that is the case and you would like to continue with your action, please click the Confirm button. Otherwise, you should click the Cancel button to return to where you were.

how to remove these alert system?


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)

when i submit post like this http://notepad.cc/share/CppJjEwQnG

there are result here http://punbb.informer.com/forums/post/154622/#p154622
Sorry! The page could not be loaded.
This is probably a temporary error. Just refresh the page and retry. If problem continues, please check back in 5-10 minutes.

why? there are generate eroors?
please your help big_smile


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)



(10 replies, posted in Discussions)

Trace wrote:

FluxBB will be a part of Flarum - another forum software.

how about elkarte sir?


(10 replies, posted in Discussions)

why punbb dont have any upgrade? like upgrade for support with latest of php
developer like you visman, dimka, keeshii, kushi & etc..
where is developer punbb sad


(10 replies, posted in Discussions)

is like punbb?


(10 replies, posted in Discussions)

is better to move in fluxbb..?