(22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

try checking the forums and you'll see that it doesn't work for everyone (and you might recognise a few names there as well).

backups can be done by phpmyadmin, yes, but you can't schedule those backups. It would be nicer to be able to grab a backup via the forum - I visit forums far more often than I use phpmyadmin (and I use it a fair bit for various reasons - but not necessarily on the right site). A one click backup would be more practical.


(22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

How about a decent forum backup database script?

You do realise that if the members haven't signed up for a newsletter then you could, in some countries, be breaking laws by doing that?

Just make sure that members can elect to not receive the newsletter.

why a video! why not a simple screenshot - or explain in text? (I haven't seen the video)

PunBB only comes with a small smiley set, and unless you use an extension you can't add others easily.

have a look at my Forum fixes with images extension:


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

For most plugins I've adapted from others then I do rename them. However this one is a special case - Akismet is well known in some communities and I thought it better to keep the name.

Upping the version number to 2 also means that version 1 can have minor releases without any conflict issues. Also, and as Garciat has mentioned, I'd checked first smile


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Available for download from Quirm.net.

This is the beta release for the improved Akismet extension, based on code by Garciat.

Settings page now has in the Akismet section:

  • Enable Akismet

  • Akismet API Key

  • Ban period - How long Akismet will set the user ban for.

  • Member Min. Posts - Minimum amount of posts a member must have before they are not checked by Akismet

New page under management to handle posts marked as spam - Akismet (wot else!).
This page features a basic spam/ham count.

All spam is listed on one page, and via the select boxes you can delete them, or set them as ham.

One small and minor bug on this page: Deleting Topic starter posts in the list have the unfortunate side effect of deleting the entire topic - hough that may not be such a bad thing.

Individual posts can be marked as spam, or not spam by moderators and admin.

Posts you mark as spam are sent to akismet, and likewise posts marked as ham are also sent. This will go a long way to akismet getting better and better as time goes on.

The content of posts are hidden (possibly not on the search results page as yet - please let me know about that) for guests/members, but viewable with a warning for moderators/admin. I also disabled the reply link for posts marked as spam.

I think that's all! If you download it - remember it is beta and I would appreciate feedback on it - good and bad.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I won't be releasing it until I've finished the work I set out to do.

I'm literally just about to start on processing the deletion of spam post via the akismet page. but then I have to go through it all. Considering the possibility of really mucking up a site with this I want to make sure it all works before releasing it.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)


  • a setting to only check guests and new members (upto x posts) -done

  • ability to set the ban period -done

  • mass 'not spam' - rather than one at a time

  • mass 'delete' - rather than one at a time

  • add a spam count? -done

  • mark a post as spam -done

and added ability to mark spam as ham as well.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Captcha is pretty much useless as most of them can be broken, if they haven't already been so.

Plus Captcha's aren't good when it comes to accessibility.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)


  • a setting to only check guests and new members (upto x posts) - done

  • ability to set the ban period - done

  • mass 'not spam' - rather than one at a time

  • mass 'delete' - rather than one at a time

  • add a spam count? - done

  • mark a post as spam.

I also added, but cannot yet test, sending ham(incorrectly marked spam) to akismet.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Utchin wrote:

# add a spam count?
# mark a post as spam.

Them two? They will be easy! For the first one, have a field in the config table ( this is for a very simple method) and everytime a post is reported/deleted... incitement it. Second one is have the same system as report, but have it hide the post as-well.

1 - the deletions are currently handled by delete.php, so I'd have to hook into that (ok I've just realised how to do it...)

2 - yes mark it as spam but I'd envisaged deleting at the same time which may not be the best solution (but again I've just thought of how to do that...)

I've realised that there is some handy functions that I can use for deleting things, so that makes things easier - I'll hook into that to increment the count if post is marked as spam.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

As per http://punbb.informer.com/forums/post/123387/#p123387 Garciat will no longer be maintaining this extension.

As such I have started work adapting it, and making it a bit more user friendly.

So far I have:

  • Created a new page for it - rather than hide the spam on the extensions page

  • Added a 'spam' notification link into the header for Admins only

  • Hidden spam posts until they are dealt with - admins and moderators still get to view it

  • Changed the default ban period from always, to one month.

I have a few ideas to add even more features:

  • a setting to only check guests and new members (upto x posts)

  • ability to set the ban period

  • mass 'not spam' - rather than one at a time

  • mass 'delete' - rather than one at a time

  • add a spam count?

  • mark a post as spam.

The last 2 aren't that easy, so I'd be interested to hear if anyone wants those features. Plus anything else that I may have missed that may be useful


(31 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

ahh in that cae I'll look at making the changes myself, if that's ok with you.


(31 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Some more suggested enhancements

1. add a note to the header for admins if there are any spam posts. It should only appear when there is spam to deal with. (make it a link, then we can jump straight to the spam page).

2. move the administer spam posts from Administration » Extensions » Manage Extensions to a new page - I'd suggest a new page within the Management section

3. instead of my previous fix, have a new option that sets how long the ban should last, possibly a drop down that has set options:
days: 1, 7, 14
months: 1,3,6
and never (default).

4. add a mark as spam to the post-actions section for each post.


(31 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Sorry, missed your reply.

I can't remember now, sadly.

I've made a few small modifications to the extension, but they might not suit everyone. This was because an old 1.2 forum was getting hit by spam, and the modification for that was setting expire to NULL. After 4000 bans I can't get the bans page to load.

To avoid this issue with this extension I changed Line 81 of manifest.xml from

$ban_expire = 'NULL';


$ban_expire = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m')+1, date('d'), date('Y'));

which will hopefully work - it hasn't caught any spam so far on a 1.3 forum!


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

no offence but tabindex should be removed from punBB completely and utterly - including from any extensions.

tabindex can severely mess things up unless they are implemented correctly, Even when implemented correctly they can be a PITA.

yonash wrote:

but prefix should be added automatically until disabled by

thought as much, but wasn't 100% sure. Thanks for correcting smile

the forum prefix is held in $forum_db->prefix so you would use:

 'INTO'          => $forum_db->prefix.'qq',

Why create a whole new admin page? couldn't you have used the hooks in place?


(82 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

yeah I'm going to look into that - when I get chance. I'm not sure the db builder can handle data_seek but I'll be investigating it.


(82 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

eSpam 0.2 released - fixed a  bug when checking guest email addresses against the bans list.


(82 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I tend to only write things for mysql - but I believe you can alter it by changing line 157 from mysql_data_seek to mysqli_data_seek


(82 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

silly question - are you trying this when logged in as a member rather than an admin/moderator ?


(82 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)


Ok just so as I can replicate exactly what you do - can you provide me the steps again that cause this because I can't duplicate it!


(82 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I've just had to release 0.6 of eKarma - I'd missed something off the uninstall which caused a problem.