Ok, thank you. I will follow the evolution of this extension on punbb.info.

By the way if you need help for english > french translation, i can help.

Thank you for your message.

It would be great. Is this extension compatible with PunBB 1.4.4?


Do you know an extension that allows:
1. to move a deleted post into a specific forum (e.g. recycle bin)
2. keep track of deleted posts ?

Thank you.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)


Thank you.
However I did not find out on your page how post locking works.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)


Is it possible to lock a post when it is being edited by a moderator?
Thus, a moderator could not edit a post at the same time as another, and cancel the changes made by the first one.

I am looking for something like that:

Do you know how I could do that?

Thank you.

Thank you, Visman. I probably made a modification somewhere.
I found it, sorry for the inconvenience. ;-)

Nothing else :

Syntax error near 'WHERE g.g_id!=1 ORDER BY g.g_id' line 1 (Errno: 1064).

SELECT g.g_id, g.g_title, g.g_read_board, g.g_post_replies, g.g_post_topics, fp.read_forum, fp.post_replies, fp.post_topics FROM forum_groups AS g LEFT JOIN forum_forum_perms AS fp ON g.g_id=fp.group_id AND fp.forum_id= WHERE g.g_id!=1 ORDER BY g.g_id

Error line 595 dans /website/admin/forums.php


Do you know why I can't edit forums: when I click on mywebsite/admin/forums.php?edit_forum=2, there is an error "Sorry! The page could not be loaded."

pun debug shows:

Syntax error near 'WHERE g.g_id!=1 ORDER BY g.g_id' line 1 (Errno: 1064).

SELECT g.g_id, g.g_title, g.g_read_board, g.g_post_replies, g.g_post_topics, fp.read_forum, fp.post_replies, fp.post_topics FROM forum_groups AS g LEFT JOIN forum_forum_perms AS fp ON g.g_id=fp.group_id AND fp.forum_id= WHERE g.g_id!=1 ORDER BY g.g_id

Error line 595 in /home/mywebsite/admin/forums.php

Apparently, the forum's ID is missing in "AND fp.forum_id=".

I don't understand why it doesn't work. I use PunBB 1.4.4 with PHP Version 5.6.30.

My file is exactly the same as this one: https://github.com/punbb/punbb/blob/mas … forums.php

Thank you.

Merci. smile
Il reste encore quelques erreurs :

// Error message
'Forum error header'        => 'Désolé! La page ne peut etre chargé.',
'Forum error description'    => 'Cette erreur peut ête temporaire. Rafraichissez la page. Si le probleme persiste, essayez a nouveau dans 5-10 minutes.',
'Forum error location'        => 'Une erreur est apparue a la ligne %1$s dans le fichier %2$s',
'Forum error db query'        => 'Impossible d\'exécuter la requette:',
'Menu profile'        => 'Menu du profile',

1. Désolé ! La page ne peut être chargée.
2. Cette erreur peut être temporaire. Rafraîchissez [ou actualisez] la page. Si le problème persiste, essayez à nouveau dans 5-10 minutes.
3. Une erreur est apparue à la ligne %1$s dans le fichier %2$s
4. Impossible d\'exécuter la requête :
5. Menu du profil


My question is how can I send activation emails (only the activation emails sent after subscription) with a noreply address?

Thank you!

Thank you !

Thank you very much, It works!

      <hook id="vt_qr_get_topic_info"><![CDATA[
              $query['SELECT'].= ', t.last_post_id';
      <hook id="vt_row_pre_post_actions_merge"><![CDATA[
              if ($cur_post['id'] == $cur_topic['last_post_id'])

I am looking for a solution to remove "quote link" only under last post of a thread.
Do you have an idea?


Is there a solution to disallow forum subscriptions (not topic subscriptions)?

For now, I commented the following lines in viewforum.php:

if (!$forum_user['is_guest'] && $forum_config['o_subscriptions'] == '1')
    if ($cur_forum['is_subscribed'])
        $forum_page['main_head_options']['unsubscribe'] = '<span><a class="sub-option" href="'.forum_link($forum_url['forum_unsubscribe'], array($id, generate_form_token('forum_unsubscribe'.$id.$forum_user['id']))).'"><em>'.$lang_forum['Unsubscribe'].'</em></a></span>';
        $forum_page['main_head_options']['subscribe'] = '<span><a class="sub-option" href="'.forum_link($forum_url['forum_subscribe'], array($id, generate_form_token('forum_subscribe'.$id.$forum_user['id']))).'" title="'.$lang_forum['Subscribe info'].'">'.$lang_forum['Subscribe'].'</a></span>';

Thank you and happy new year in advance. smile

Thank you!

I read your document, but it is pretty difficult.

I understood that I have to add
- a "version" column to punbb_posts
- a <input type="hidden" name="version" value="' . $post->getCurrentVersion() . '" /> into edit.php file

Then I have to verify if version number is the last for the post before validating the edit?

Is that right?


I am looking for an idea to prevent double edit from moderators.
It often happens on my board : a moderator edits a post, another opens the post and edits it, and the first edit is cancelled by the second.

Thank you for your answer.


(11 replies, posted in Supported extensions)


How to disallow moderators not to merge the messages? (= I want their messages are merged too)

g_merge_posts is set to 0 in databse for moderators group_id, but they can not to merge the messages.

Thank you.


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Thank you, KANekT. :-)

o_regs_verify is set to "1" in my database and "Require verification of all new registrations by email." is checked in
admin/settings.php?section=registration (new members receive a verification mail with a link to confirm their registration).

So it is certainly another modification I made somewhere. big_smile


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)

Thank you, keeshii.

My forum is very old (2006), and this difference between posts in database and posts displayed can certainly result from an extension (that was previously installed), as you say.

I deleted all these posts, they were all written several years ago.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting)

In my database, I have several hundreds posts that are not effectively displayed in my board.
To identify them, I performed this request from an old script :

SELECT p.id FROM forum_posts p LEFT JOIN forum_topics t ON p.topic_id=t.id WHERE t.id IS NULL

Do you think I can delete safely this posts?

Thank you.

Ok, many thanks, group_id is ok, but I think you are right about activate_key.

Edit : it works with only :

'WHERE'        => 'group_id='.FORUM_UNVERIFIED.' AND registered < '.(time() - 259200)

Because yesterday I had several hundreds unverified users in my database registered + 259200 seconds, and it wasn't the first time I had to delete them myself.
I specify that the request works by testing it in phpmyadmin (I tried with a select instead of delete).


Another question: when we write a link in a post immediately followed by a comma, the link created includes the comma.
So this often creates a 404 error.


blabla http://example.net/, blabla
is changed (in parser.php?) by
blabla <a href="http://example.net/,">http://example.net/,</a> blabla

instead of

blabla <a href="http://example.net/">http://example.net/</a>, blabla

Is there a solution to avoid this problem?

Thank you very much.


I do not know why, but this part of file (register.php) :

$query = array(
'DELETE' => 'users',
'WHERE' => 'group_id='.FORUM_UNVERIFIED.' AND activate_key IS NOT NULL AND registered < '.(time() - 259200)

is never excuted on my board (while several users daily register).

So I have to manually delete old unverified users.

Does it work on your forum?

Thank you.