Hi all

I have a forum, running on FLUXBB 1.2.21 http://www.landenmeadows.net
I have implemented a lot of mods, probably around 8-10, so all updates to date have been done manually using HDIFF files.

Is it feasible to change to PunBB 1.3.5 ? Could this process be automated without doing damage to the database of the forum setup as it looks now ?
If it were a manual change to the code, would it be done with an HDIFF ?

I had originally changed to FLUXBB when the fork happened but now regret the decision and wish to catch up with PUNBB’s latest version.


(61 replies, posted in News)

hcgtv wrote:

If FluxBB will reign supreme, then close off this support forum, cause it's just very confusing and will do nothing but push people away. And I'm not being negative, just calling it like I see it.

As your  "average Joe" user, I agree fully.
Since I as here before the fork, I have a fair idea what the relationship is between FluxBB and PunBB. For those looking for a forum solution now - if stumbling on the 2, it is very confusing.
My hope is that PunBB will simply go away,stop clouding the issue, and let FluxBB flourish as it should.

It is a little telling that the painful truth is that PunBB is merely a cheap carbon copy of FluxBB, and were it not for the FluxBB devs, Punbb would cease to exist.

Well, for better or for worse it seems to be fixed now.
I grabbed the functions.php from the zipped, "changed files" download. Since I have the punportal mod installed, I inserted the word "portal" in front of all the "nav..." lines such as navlogout, navprofile etc.
I am sure someone could fine an unsavory term for the way I fixed, or, erm, "rigged" this, but it works for the mean time.

Oddly, functions.php was the only one I struggled with when reading the hdiff.
Obviouly my functions.php has been highly modified while applying mods - the lines called to be corrected by the hdiff do not even show up in my functions.php, namely

852:     // Prefix with o_base_url (unless it's there already)    
853:     if (strpos($destination_url, $pun_config['o_base_url']) !== 0)    
854:         $destination_url = $pun_config['o_base_url'].'/'.$destination_url;    
856:     // Do a little spring cleaning
Smartys wrote:

Clicking on the "logout" link redirects to the forums.php, and does not log out sad (Any suggestions ?)

That means you didn't apply the hdiff correctly or you added more logout links somewhere. 1.2.17 introduced a new parameter, the CSRF token, that you need to add to the link. The hdiff adds it in the generate_navlinks function.

I know you don't have much info - but would you have an idea which of the updated files in the hdiff would contain the error ? the link on my logout points to


Well, thank God for backups.
After upgrading to 1.2.17, all well except for the following 2 issues..

Clicking on the "logout" link redirects to the forums.php, and does not log out sad (Any suggestions ?)
IE6 meses up the index page a little bit by inserting a good few blank lines after the title of the 2nd post appearing on my portal - suppose I can live with that.

Oh hell, I feared you might say that.
HDIFF here we come....

I am running 1.2.16 with a number of the more common mods - private messaging, calendar, upload etc...
Up until and including 1.2.16 I would always update manually using the hdiff as a guide - as you know, numerous mods ensure this is the safest way to update.

I have been reticent to update to 1.2.17 as the hdiff looks a little daunting to me - with absolutely no php knowledge at all - I rely on common sense and very careful copying/pasting. Previous updates have been relatively easy with the hdiff.

Am I relatively safe waiting for 1.3 to come out before I update ?
I am sure the 1.3 install/upgrade will accommodate my mods, but am fearful that I should update to 1.2.17 first.

Comments ?


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Leggings wrote:
Paul wrote:

Well we don't provide web hosting free or otherwise so without knowing anything about your hosts setup there isn't much we can do.

In that case is there a delete forum button?

smile  Yes, it is just to the right of the button that reads "RTFM", but most people don't see that either.



(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

To continue the discussion of punbb compared to others, I too am a huge disciple of punbb - having discovered it when I was looking for a forum solution for my neighborhood website that I maintain for the fun of it.

I have a personal website (to share news and pictures of my kids with my parents who live in another country) which runs entirely on PHPBBFM, or Fully Modded PHP. the sad thing about it is the much embattled "owner" of the heavily modded board has a problem. His host closed up shop and with it took his website offline. Of course (predictably) there were no backups, so the support site, for what it was worth, has disappeared from http://phpbbfm.net

Forum membership and support were paid for, so there are a lot of us out there who are now not getting the support and product we paid for. It seemed though for a while  that support and subscription for the product was dwindling due to many reasons - the installation with it's many mods simply grew too big, slow, and resource hungry. At times too, support on the site was non-existent, and requests for help were ignored, complaints deleted...the list goes on.

Further, when logging into my admin panel for my site, I have to wait for an eternity while the software tries in vain to check the software version against a non-existent server.

I keep using the forum software out of posterity I guess, but punbb really gets my vote. Preaching to the choir though, right ?

Oh, and trying to interpret this thread's title has given me a headache.

Bugmenot is a firefox extension that allows you to take advantage of others' registration details to bypass the registration process.
It boils down to account sharing - which for a pay site may amount to stealing (depending on your viewpoint), but for a site with open registration is not illegal at all.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Try the "Broadcast Email" plugin in the downloads page. smile

http://punbb.org/download/plugins/AP_Br … _Email.zip

I always post this in these threads as it makes me feel smart.

This has been the single most effective anti-spam solution I have found, and is as easy as falling out of a tree to implement that it doesn't even count as a mod.

##        Mod title:  Simple Antispambot-code Mod  
##      Mod version:  0.8 
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.15 
##     Release date:  28 May 2007 
##           Author:  sirena (on http://punbb.org/forums)
##      Description:  This is a *very* simple mod to help prevent forum 
##                    spambots from registering on a punBB forum. 
##       Affects DB:  No 
##   Affected files:  register.php 
##            Notes:  This mod simply adds an extra free-text form field into 
##                    the registration page for punBB (register.php) that 
##                    prospective users need to complete, and which the forum 
##                    administrator can easily customize. 
##                    Forum administrators can specify any sort of question 
##                    and the required (numeric or text) response.  
##                    Administrators are encouraged to: 
##                    (a) customize the question posed by this mod to suit their needs, and 
##                    (b) change their question periodically. 
##                    The more variation there is in the deployment of this mod, the more 
##                    effective it will be, particularly against automated spambots. 
##                    Questions can be simple - like "What year did Columbus discover America?"
##                     - or perhaps more complicated - like "What is the sum of 1000+100". 
##                    Questions may even be very specific if you are confident that the 
##                    people who you want to join your forum should know the answer. 
##                    For example if you have a forum about the Beatles the question may be 
##                    "What year did the Beatles break up?"  
##                    Or if you have a forum about Beverly Hills Calif., a good question may be 
##                    "What is the postcode of Beverly Hills?"  Etc. 
##                    Specific questions such as these will help prevent automated registrations 
##                    and may even cause difficulties for some human spammers too, 
##                    if local or esoteric knowledge is required.
##                    Questions may also be framed to require some exploration of the site. 
##                    Eg "Please enter the 4 digit VIP code visible at the top of the Support page". 
##                    This sort of question will block automated bots and slow down 
##                    and perhaps even deter human spammers too. 
##     Generated By:  Auto Read-Me(by Caleb Champlin) - http://www.rscheatnet.com/Auto_Readme.zip
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that 'mods' are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.
#---------[ 1. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------


#---------[ 2. FIND (line:186) ]---------------------------------------------------
    $timezone = round($_POST['timezone'], 1);
#---------[ 3. BEFORE, ADD ]---------------------------------------------------
    // anti-spam code variable checked here. Customize to suit your needs.
    if ($_POST['spamcode'] <> "1492") 
        message('Please enter the correct 4 digit code for the year Columbus discovered America.');

#---------[ 4. FIND (lines: 305-309) ]---------------------------------------------------
            <div class="inform">
                    <legend><?php echo $lang_prof_reg['Localisation legend'] ?></legend>

#---------[ 5. BEFORE, ADD ]---------------------------------------------------

            <div class="inform">
                    <legend>Spambot prevention</legend>
                    <div class="infldset">
                        <p>Please enter the year in which Columbus discovered America in the box below.</p>
                        <p><b>Hint:</b> <i>In XXXX, Columbus sailed the ocean blue...</i></p>
                        <div class="rbox">
                        <input type="text" name="spamcode" size="4" maxlength="4" /><br />

#---------[ 6. SAVE/UPLOAD ]---------------------------------------------------



(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Not really a problem, but....

What is the format to insert a small image justified left in a block of text, thussly (where "t" is text")


I thought it would be

  [img=left]url of image[/img]

but this doesn't work.

Kablaaaam !
Thanks for the help there, Smartypants, that did the trick.
I shall celebrate in fine style by sending a broadcast email linking my registered users to 2girls1cup.
Or maybe not. Most of them are sensitive housewife types, and have as much appreciation for scat videos as a snake has hips.

misc.php below


// Language definitions used in various scripts
$lang_misc = array(

'Mark read redirect'        =>    'All topics and forums have been marked as read. Redirecting …',

// Send e-mail
'Form e-mail disabled'        =>    'The user you are trying to send an e-mail to has disabled form e-mail.',
'No e-mail subject'            =>    'You must enter a subject.',
'No e-mail message'            =>    'You must enter a message.',
'Too long e-mail message'    =>    'Messages cannot be longer than 65535 characters (64 KB).',
'E-mail sent redirect'        =>    'E-mail sent. Redirecting …',
'Send e-mail to'            =>    'Send e-mail to',
'E-mail subject'            =>    'Subject',
'E-mail message'            =>    'Message',
'E-mail disclosure note'    =>    'Please note that by using this form, your e-mail address will be disclosed to the recipient.',
'Write e-mail'                =>    'Write and submit your e-mail message',

// Report
'No reason'                    =>    'You must enter a reason.',
'Report redirect'            =>    'Post reported. Redirecting …',
'Report post'                =>    'Report post',
'Reason'                    =>    'Reason',
'Reason desc'                =>    'Please enter a short reason why you are reporting this post',

// Subscriptions
'Already subscribed'        =>    'You are already subscribed to this topic.',
'Subscribe redirect'        =>    'Your subscription has been added. Redirecting …',
'Not subscribed'            =>    'You are not subscribed to this topic.',
'Unsubscribe redirect'        =>    'Your subscription has been removed. Redirecting …',

// General forum and topic moderation
'Moderate'                    =>    'Moderate',
'Select'                    =>    'Select',    // the header of a column of checkboxes
'Move'                        =>    'Move',
'Delete'                    =>    'Delete',

// Moderate forum
'Open'                        =>    'Open',
'Close'                        =>    'Close',
'Move topic'                =>    'Move topic',
'Move topics'                =>    'Move topics',
'Move legend'                =>    'Select destination of move',
'Move to'                    =>    'Move to',
'Leave redirect'            =>    'Leave redirect topic(s)',
'Move topic redirect'        =>    'Topic moved. Redirecting …',
'Move topics redirect'        =>    'Topics moved. Redirecting …',
'Confirm delete legend'        =>    'Please confirm deletion',
'Delete topics'                =>    'Delete topics',
'Delete topics comply'        =>    'Are you sure you want to delete the selected topics?',
'Delete topics redirect'    =>    'Topics deleted. Redirecting …',
'Open topic redirect'        =>    'Topic opened. Redirecting …',
'Open topics redirect'        =>    'Topics opened. Redirecting …',
'Close topic redirect'        =>    'Topic closed. Redirecting …',
'Close topics redirect'        =>    'Topics closed. Redirecting …',
'No topics selected'        =>    'You must select at least one topic for move/delete/open/close.',
'Stick topic redirect'        =>    'Topic sticked. Redirecting …',
'Unstick topic redirect'    =>    'Topic unsticked. Redirecting …',

// Delete multiple posts in topic
'Delete posts'                =>    'Delete posts',
'Delete posts comply'        =>    'Are you sure you want to delete the selected posts?',
'Delete posts redirect'        =>    'Posts deleted. Redirecting …',
'No posts selected'            =>    'You must select at least one post to be deleted.'


Oddly, I have a misc.php in my root folder, and lang/english
What language files are you referring to ?

I might have, although the mentions of the word "form email" in misc.php look pretty unexciting.
Even users that have allowed form email, are still unreachable by the link mentioned above. I'd still prefer to email using punbb than have it open a new message in outlook though.


// Language definitions used in various scripts
$lang_misc = array(

'Mark read redirect'        =>    'All topics and forums have been marked as read. Redirecting …',

// Send e-mail
'Form e-mail disabled'        =>    'The user you are trying to send an e-mail to has disabled form e-mail.',
'No e-mail subject'            =>    'You must enter a subject.',
'No e-mail message'            =>    'You must enter a message.',
'Too long e-mail message'    =>    'Messages cannot be longer than 65535 characters (64 KB).',
'E-mail sent redirect'        =>    'E-mail sent. Redirecting …',
'Send e-mail to'            =>    'Send e-mail to',
'E-mail subject'            =>    'Subject',
'E-mail message'            =>    'Message',
'E-mail disclosure note'    =>    'Please note that by using this form, your e-mail address will be disclosed to the recipient.',
'Write e-mail'                =>    'Write and submit your e-mail message',

If I click on the "email" link under a user's avatar, it works just great, opening a new message in my email client.
The link followed takes the format  mailto:usersemailhere

If I follow the "send email" link in the users profile (accessed by clicking on userlist), it fails to open a new email to the user, instead a blank screen is displayed in my browser.
I notice the link format is


How do I get the latter to read the same as the former ? (If this will ensure it works that is)


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Indeed - makes sense.
I have a few mods, but nothing I would say that would directly influence forum permissions.
Odd - I can find nothing unique about the setup of the forums  or categories which allow topics to be moved to them.
If I create a new test forum, I can move topics to it.
Reverting a forum to default does not allow topics to be moved to it though.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Is there anything common to the settings in a forum that allows it to have topics moved to it.
I am trying to move a topic posted by a member, and the forum to which I wish to move it to is not showing on the pull-down list.

How do I create a new page to link to using my top menu ?

By that I mean, a blank php page, using the style of my forum, but with a blank body for me to edit as I see fit ?

Not sure if this is to be considered a "mod" per se, but I guess it does not fit in any other section.

Is there a way to show topics/links generated by an rss feed, in a side block ?

I am always trying to come up with interesting content for the blocks on my portal. RSS feeds posting to forums are fine, but create long lists of "last posts", which overwhelms content by posters. Let's face it - users are lazy, and love to see all last posts in a side block.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Is there a way to allow members to be able to see a forum exists, but not enter it ?
I have a forum set to private, and have manually allowed members of my "private" group to access it.

I wish for guests and members to see the forum exists, but not enter it.

There is only one good solution to spam registrations, and it is this one

100% success rate for me so far. Wonderfully easy to implement too.

There is only one good solution to spam registrations, and it is this one

100% success rate for me so far.