Topic: How to remove the line that's showing who the moderators are?

Hello, I've just installed PunBB and done some very very minor modifications. I love it!
One thing is bothering me though, I would like to remove the text that tells you who is moderating.

It looks like this:

<Section name>
<brief explanation>
(Moderated by <moderator>)

I would like to remove the third line, I want it clean and everyone already knows who the moderators
are in my forum.


Re: How to remove the line that's showing who the moderators are?


.tclcon P { display: none; }

To base.css. That will remove it for every style.

Re: How to remove the line that's showing who the moderators are?

Does it matter where in the css-file I put it? I put it at the top and it didn't do anything.