1 (edited by xenon 2006-08-10 15:14)

Topic: I don't want cell borders in my Who's Online Box

Hey everyone, just wondering if there was a way to remove the cell borders showing in my Who's Online Box.
At the moment, the box looks like this:
and the lines are annoying me so I was wondering if I could make only that pixel border 0px.

I have tried editing this code:

/* 4.1 By default borders are 1px solid */

DIV.box, .pun TD, .pun TH, .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, DIV.forminfo, DIV.blockpost LABEL {
    BORDER-STYLE: solid;

By targeting specifically the DIV.box border width and changing that to 0px, but that of course affects the whole forum - I only want to remove the lines in the Who's Online Box.

Sorry if this makes hardly any sense, I was just reading over it and it seems really jumbled, I'm so tired - if it doesn't make sense, please ask me tongue.

Oh btw, I am using the Cornflower Theme and you can check the lines out in action here: http://osmiumnet.com

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Re: I don't want cell borders in my Who's Online Box

If there is no unique class for the table in the Top10-box, add a class (of your own) to the table-tag in the plugin's .php file.

<table class="mytable">

Then specify in the css file something like:

.pun .mytable td {
  cellspacing: 0;
  border-collapse: collapse;

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Re: I don't want cell borders in my Who's Online Box

I had to edit the main.tpl file and add the 'class="sidebar"' inside a div tag (I named it 'sidebar') and I added the code that you showed me into my CSS and it worked! Thankyou!
Oh, also, I had to add to your code, I just put a BORDER-WIDTH: 0px; line in there and they dissapeared - thankyou so much!

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