1 (edited by gatorade 2008-02-13 02:38)

Topic: adding styles around the forum

Hi guys,

Before I ask my question, please forgive me if I'm asking very dumb questions. I'm really new to this.
I have read the FAQ and documentation and I'm still confused.

Can someone help me modify my punbb forum so that fits on a 1024x768 resolution screen?

Basically I want to wrap the entire forum with a <div id="container">  and style #container so that it is 950px wide,
and I want to put a shiny gradient in the background.

Which template files am I supposed to edit and where do I add my <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mylayout.css"?

main.tpl and header.php?

I can't find which file the xhtml strict doctype declaration is stored. Where is that?

Re: adding styles around the forum

In STYLE.css

/* 5.1 Page margins */

#punwrap {margin:12px 20px}


/* 5.1 Page margins */

BODY {text-align: center}
#punwrap {width: 1000px; margin: 12px auto; text-align:left}

Or change width: 1000px; to something fitting.

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