1 (edited by octavian_3009 2009-04-25 19:42)

Topic: Trouble viewing extensions page

Hello, I recently installed PunBB 1.3.3 and everything seemed to be working (it even recognized pun_repository) fine until I tried to go to the extensions page on the administrative panel.  A message in large black text saying "Extensions available for install" is all that appears. I then tried to install PunBB 1.3.2 to see if the problem was just 1.3.3 but the same thing happened.
I've now reinstalled version 1.3.3 but the message still appears. Any ideas on what might be causing this?

    <div class="main-subhead">
        <h2 class="hn"><span>Extensions available for install</span></h2>
    <div class="main-content main-extensions">


The above code is what appears when I "view source" the error page.

Here is the error message in my server logs:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function token_get_all() in /home/myaccountname/www/mydomain.net/forums/include/xml.php on line 199, referer: http://mydomain.net/forums/admin/settings.php?section=setup

I changed the account and domain name because the project is still in development.

edit #2:

When I changed line 199 of my xml.php file from

$tokenized_hook = token_get_all('<?php '.$hook['content']);


('<?php '.$hook['content']); 

the error message disappeared and the extensions page now works. Is there any danger in leaving

$tokenized_hook = token_get_all

out of the code?

Re: Trouble viewing extensions page

This thread should help you.

Re: Trouble viewing extensions page

Thank you for the link.