Topic: Bcc for Admin Mailing List

This mod adds the ability to Bcc addresses from the admin mailing list.

I haven't messed with building a plugin yet, so it requires editing files.

In the file include/email.php find the line:

    // Make sure all linebreaks are CRLF in message (and strip out any NULL bytes)

(in the forum_mail() function, line 90 on a stock file)

Above it add:

// MOD BCC - Usage "Bcc: one@example.com, two@example.com". Add regular addresses (if any) before.
if (strpos($to, 'Bcc:') !== FALSE) {
 $bcc = explode('Bcc: ', $to);
 $to = rtrim($bcc[0], ', ');
 $headers = 'Bcc: '.$bcc[1]."\r\n".$headers;

Usage "Bcc: one@example.com, two@example.com". Add regular addresses (if any) before.

It looks like email input boxes don't accept the "Bcc:" (eg: user profiles), only the admin mailing list does.