2002-10-12 """""""""" * Lowered the number of queries executed on every page. * Added a simple template that makes it possible to embed Pun in any website design. The template is located in the include subdirectory. 2002-10-10 """""""""" * Finished a massive rewrite of all scripts. Topics and posts are now stored in separate tables. * Added language files. Translating Pun should now be very easy. 2002-09-23 """""""""" * Fixed a bug where the links "Post reply" and "Post new topic" could be visible even though the current user didn't have permission. * Admins and mods can now post with subjects and messages in all caps regardless of the settings for "All caps message" and "All caps subject". 2002-09-22 """""""""" * Rewrote the PunTag parsing code more or less from the ground up. Text is now checked for correct PunTag syntax much more thouroughly. Also, text within code tags is not touched, so users can type just about anything in code tags and the forum will not mess with the formatting. The parsing code is a bit faster now as well. 2002-09-18 """""""""" * Made a function for generating titles and banned usernames arrays. 2002-09-17 """""""""" * Changed syntax for all table inserts into categories, forums, topics, posts and users to explicitly specify columns for insertion. This way admins can add their own columns to these tables without getting SQL errors when Pun inserts rows. * Made userlist.php multipage and added "All users" as a search criteria. * Created a function called paginate() that creates the numbered links at the bottom of multipage scripts. It's much prettier this way. 2002-09-14 """""""""" * If a date is today or yesterday it will be displayed as Today or Yesterday. 2002-09-11 """""""""" * Added a link to "Show more users for this IP" to the host name lookup function in moderate.php. * Removed the options to show/hide signature on a post per post basis. 2002-07-20 """""""""" * Added "User has posted earlier" and "User titels" to admin_options. 2002-07-19 """""""""" * Changing a username now updates all posts by that user to reflect the change (the column poster in the table posts). * Removed a lot of queries in viewtopic.php. In beta 1 the forum ran one query per post to get the user data. Now the user data is retrieved in a join. * Merged two queries in index.php to speed things up a bit. 2002-07-18 """""""""" * Renamed viewthread.php to viewtopic.php. * Added IP search to admin_users. * Fixed a possible harmless exploit where a malicious user could change the subject of a topic. * The subject of ghost topics is now updated as well when an admin or moderator changes the subject of a moved topic. 2002-07-17 """""""""" * Added the columns topics and posts to the forums table. This way index.php is way much faster since I won't have to fetch the topic/post count for every forum. * Started adding support for different databases by encapsulating all db functionality in classes. For now it only works with MySQL, but PostgreSQL support shouldn't be to far away now. * Finished a quite tiresome run-through of the code. The code should be more uniform now. I fixed a number of small bugs as well. * Fixed delete.php decrementing post count for topic by two (thanks TwaN). 2002-07-12 """""""""" * Made sure parser.php and email.php are included when needed only. * The links that appear below the navigator in the admin interface are now generated in separate functions (adminMenu and moderatorMenu) in a new script called include/commonadmin.php. * Did a code run-through of the admin scripts and made some minor changes. I was, for instance, running the exact same query four (!) times in admin_forums (duh!). * The title of banned users is now "Banned". 2002-07-11 """""""""" * Added "Update all" to admin_forums (thanks Menion). * Fixed typo in admin_permissions (thanks TwaN). 2002-07-08 """""""""" * Generation time and some other debug info in the footer is only displayed when DEBUG is defined. * Improved the error() function to report more sane error messages. It's output depends on wheter DEBUG is defined or not. * Replaced a lot of string comparisons using == with the binary safe functions strcmp() and strcasecmp(). * Fixed delete.php not decrementing reply count in thread (thanks TwaN). * Fixed search.php displaying ghost threads. * Redirect ghost threads are no longer tagged as containing new messages. * Fixed guests not being able to post (thanks damme). * Fixed the annoying grammatical errors (i.e. "1 guests") in the statistics in index.php. 2002-07-06 """""""""" * Added option to allow install.php to send hostname/pun version to kennel.dyndns.org. Thanks to tunah of sublime for the log daemon! * Fixed a stylesheet issue in install.php due to the addition of default style. * Moved the call to ob_start() to include/common.php. * Added check to make sure the zlib extension is loaded before calling ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler' ). * Fixed not entering a position value in admin_options giving an error (thanks caps). * Fixed "Show new posts since last visit" och "Mark all forums as read" not pointing to / (thanks caps). * The link to Pun in footer.php no longer points to # (thanks Psionicist). 2002-07-05 """""""""" * Added "default style". * Fixed javascript error and bad query in admin_titles.php (thanks caps).