2004-01-14 """""""""" * Added FAQ entry for question about multiple Base URLs. * Added script syncronize_board.php to the help/tool scripts. The script updates the last post, last poster and nbr. of replies columns in all topics and forums in case they are out of sync. * Fixed warning message when attempting to fetch UNIX load averages with PHP safe mode enabled. Reported by mICKE. * Removed call to set_time_limit() in post BBCode syntax check function that was left over from the debugging stage. Reported by mICKE. 2004-01-11 """""""""" * Fixed typo in english activate_email.tpl. Reported by lukepuuk. 2004-01-10 """""""""" * Fixed autoparsing of hyperlinks just before the [/quote] tag not working. 2004-01-08 """""""""" * Fixed "Move topic" showing the moderator forum view instead of the forum selector. 2004-01-07 """""""""" * The BBCodes [b] and [i] now create more semantically correct and tags. Thanks to CSpotkill for suggestion! * Fixed missing error message for the view IP function in moderate.php. Reported by Chacmool. * Fixed message text in topic review being malformatted. * Fixed an issue where variable names in the BBCode URL tag were parsed by PHP. Switched from double quote to single quote in the replacement parameter of preg_replace(). * Fixed $pun_root missing from path to style directory in profile.php. Reported by Cactuz. 2004-01-05 """""""""" * Fixed user post count not being displayed for admins/mods in topic view. Reported by CSpotkill. 2004-01-04 """""""""" * Added missing MSN Messenger field to search form in Admin/Users. Reported by CSpotkill. * Fixed a bug involving the quote tag and usernames starting and ending with single or double quotes. 2004-01-03 """""""""" * Removed "(Do not reply to this message)" in the form e-mail template. Reported by TwaN. * Fixed incorrent query error message in admin_maintenance. * Fixed insufficient guest username validation. * Fixed missing translated word "wrote" when quoting with BBCode disabled.