571 Remove "New Alerts"

by mello757

572 Limiting search

by tamascsaba

574 Another Updating Problem

by Durkin

575 help me remove stuff

by slimteufel

576 click active topics

by qie

578 incorrect display in IE7

by burina

580 Trouble viewing extensions page

by octavian_3009

584 Removing footer

by Rewick

585 My Forum was hacked

by babyinternet

586 mail() empty

by sepp0

589 Closed: maintains mode

by kalle11

593 Timestamps aren correct

by Anders Bak

594 Deleted my config.php

by JTidler

596 Can't Login: Cookie Not Set

by Imperial

597 Whats the security token do?

by jasondore

598 1.2 to 1.3

by kalle11