Topic: Migration from EasyForum 2.5


Well, after having the lousy EasyForum on our website, we decided to migrate to PunBB, but unfortunately, we needed to keep the current users and posts but no migration tool was available. So, we quicky hacked two perl scripts which parse the username database and the thread directory and spit out SQL code. Obviosly it was tailored for our needs and if someone needs to use it, it will need some minor modifying.

But hey, at least they'll have something to start with, which we didn't.

Anyways, here's the code...

Users Migration


while (defined ($line = <DATAFILE>))
    chomp $line;
    @parts = split(/:/,$line);
    # $parts[0]; # Username
    # $parts[2]; # Hashed Password
    # $parts[4]; # Email
    # $parts[6]; # Description
    $parts[6]="" if ($parts[6] eq "-");
    $parts[6] =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
    print "INSERT INTO users VALUES($id,4,'$parts[0]','$parts[2]','$parts[4]',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,'Catalan','Oxygen',0,NULL,1189078770,'',0,NULL,NULL,NULL);\n";

Posts Migration


sub get_id
    while (defined ($line2 = <USERSFILE>))
    chomp $line2;
    @parts2 = split(/:/,$line2);
    push @users,$parts2[0];

    foreach $user (@users)
    chomp $user;
    return $id if (lc($_[0]) eq lc($user));

    return 0;

sub thread


while (defined ($line = <DATAFILE>))
    chomp $line;
    @parts = split(/\:\|\:/,$line);

    $parts[2] = substr($parts[2],36);
    $parts[2] =~ s/([^\']*).*/$1/g;

    $parts[1] =~ s/'/''/g;
    $parts[3] =~ s/'/''/g;
    $parts[3] =~ s/\<br \/\>/\n/g;
    $parts[3] =~ s/\<i class\=\"s\"\>Modificat.*GMT\<\/i\>//gi;
    $parts[3] =~ s/\<img src.*\/\>//g;
    $parts[3] =~ s/target=\"_blank\"//g;
    $parts[3] =~ s/<i>([^\>]*)<\/i>/\[i\]$1\[\/i\]/gi;
    $parts[3] =~ s/<b>([^\>]*)<\/b>/\[i\]$1\[\/i\]/gi;
    $parts[3] =~ s/<a href="([^\"]*)"\s?>(.*?)<\/a>/\[url=$1]$2\[\/url\]/gi;
    $parts[3] =~ s/\n{3,}/\n/g;

    if ($first)
    $creator = $parts[2];
    $topictitle = $parts[1];
    $creationtime = $parts[0];
    $creatorid = get_id($creator);
#  $parts[0]; # Time
#  $parts[1]; # Topic Title
#  $parts[2]; # User
#  $parts[3]; # Text
#  $parts[5]; # IP
    $userid = get_id($parts[2]);

    print "INSERT INTO posts VALUES($postid,'$parts[2]',$userid,'$parts[5]',NULL,'$parts[3]',0,$parts[0],NULL,NULL,$topicid);\n";
print "INSERT INTO topics VALUES($topicid,'$creator','$topictitle',$creationtime,$parts[0],$postid,'$parts[2]',$views,$num,0,0,NULL,1);\n";



opendir(DIR, $dirname) or die "can't opendir $dirname: $!";
while (defined($file = readdir(DIR)))
    push @filesu,$file;

@files = sort { $a <=> $b } @filesu;

foreach $file (@files)
    if ($file =~ /^2007/)

for ($i=0; $i<$maxuserid; $i++)
    print "UPDATE users set num_posts = $posts[$i] where id = $i;\n" if ($posts[$i]>0);
    print "UPDATE users set last_post = $lpt[$i] where id = $i;\n" if ($lpt[$i]>0);

print "UPDATE forums set num_topics = $numthreads where id = 1;";
print "UPDATE forums set num_posts = $totalposts where id = 1;";

Re: Migration from EasyForum 2.5


? big_smile

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."