quaker wrote:i see where you siad something about a flatfile system.
that why i was asking about if some other site had a list of ip that thsi script could connect to.. even send the spam ip to...the site.
The Spamhaus lookup in that script is already checking your registrants against a spam database. If you really want to redirect them, blackhole them. I wouldn't personally, but if that rocks your boat.... However, if you use an external list, they would NOT appreciate you redirecting the rejected users to their site. They all have disclaimers on their sites already due to people doing those tricks. If you want to redirect, you'll either have to blackhole them or provide your own redirection site. You should, out of common courtesy, give them an explanatory notice, however, merely for the false positives that you will incur at some point. All the users you will reject will not be spammers. That is a guaranteed fact. As to a flatfile, you could easily create, over a period of time, a flatfile lookup system. Obviously, the onus would be on you for the maintenance and legitimacy of that list, however. Other than the reserved addresses for spoofing, everything else would be a manual entry job, to all intents and purposes, as it would be with any other lookup. A spam abuse list is an ever evolving beast. You could cron log greps and such, and enter the data by scripted methods, but you obviously need a reference point to reject them to start with.