Topic: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

Hello everyone!

I hope that someone can help me because i have no idea why i have this problem!!

In all the forum all the sentences are incomplete!
For example at the top of the forum i should have :"Unfortunately no one can be told what PunBB is - you have to see it for yourself."
instead i have this:"Unfortunately no one can be told what PunBB is - you have"

And when someone post a new topic the same thing happens,everything is erased and we can only see the first words of the first sentence!

I hope that i explained well...
I tried to reinstall 4 times the forum and i always have this problem!

Thanks in advance for everyone that can help!

Re: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

What database are you using?

Re: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

It's a MySQL 5.0.38


Re: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

Just to make sure its not some weird display problem, if you view the output source is stuff still missing.

Re: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

Well i just tested to modify the text of the topic directly in the database to see if it's well displayed and it worked.....

i don't know why it don't save the entire text in the database!!

Re: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

What mods do you have installed?
Does your webserver's log say anything?
Is there anything odd with your PHP setup?

Re: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

I have installed many mods but the thing is that this problem i have it since the installation!!
The webserver is nothing wrong with the logs!
I think it's the php script which is the source of problem(although i downloaded it from
i just downloaded the version!
i will test and will get back to you! wink

Re: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

Problem Solved! the script had a bug!! :\

thanks to all!

Re: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

Erm, phpBB is different software.


Re: Incomplete Sentences in all the forum!

yeah..sorry i meant not!

just a thing i just realised what the problem is that everytime i use a special french caracter like é ou ù or à erases automaticaly everything that comes behind!!this is why everything was incomplete!...have an idea what to do to solve this?