Topic: punbb in commercial website


i'm a webdesigner in a small web developping agency and one of our clients requested a message board in its website.

i thought about PunBB as it's light and fits more to the general layout

but i'm not sure if we are allowed or not to use punbb in a commercial project..

any ideas ?


Re: punbb in commercial website

You can use PunBB in a commercial website and are actually encouraged to do so. You can even charge for it, nothing in the GPL prevents you from making money. Problems only really arise with the GPL if you want to incorporate it into a commercial application e.g. you were designing your own cms for sale to multiple clients but even then the probelms can usually be sorted out.


Re: punbb in commercial website

mhhh that's just awesome and encouraging !
i was really expecting a "no" answer, and was ready to consider as legitimate 

anyway thank you so much ! to you Paul for your quick answer and the whole bunch of PunBB developpers out there !!


Re: punbb in commercial website

Paul, what would be the deal you would like to see if made into a cms and sold?


My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!


Re: punbb in commercial website

That the CMS was either GPL itself or that PunBB was distributed as a separate module and that the CMS did not require PunBB in order to work. As I understand it thats whats required to comply with the GPL.

Re: punbb in commercial website

thanks paul for clarifying that..


My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!