Topic: How enable double post

Hi i dont have in administration/options option to enable double post i using 1.2.15ver on punBB

How get this option?
Add mod / plugin?

Pls help me


Re: How enable double post

In Admin Groups, set the flood setting for the group to a sane value.

Re: How enable double post

i don't have thhis look

Re: How enable double post

Post flood interval. It's in your screenshot.

Re: How enable double post

don't work ;[ / i just wont to can make duble posts

not wait for next post or topis or search

6 (edited by StevenBullen 2007-09-27 08:33)

Re: How enable double post

What is double posts? What are you going on about?

Am I missing something here.

Re: How enable double post

This is double post:

i can't do this in my web

Re: How enable double post

What error does it give you?

9 (edited by binczu 2007-09-27 12:48)

Re: How enable double post

The following errors need to be corrected before the message can be posted:
Dont anser on your post, edit your post and add what u wont

I translate from polish big_smile

Re: How enable double post

That must be a mod, as PunBB doesn't have that functionality by default.


Re: How enable double post

ok i do it

just delete this line in post.php

$errors[] = "Nie odpowiadaj na w?asny post!!! Zamiast tego u?yj edycji i dopisz to co chcesz do poprzedniego.";

It means

Dont anser on your post, edit your post and add what u wont