Topic: Can I use the smilies and Easy BBCode code for another project

I would give credit in the readme, I just need to know what to put, or if I can even do this.


Re: Can I use the smilies and Easy BBCode code for another project

Smilies supplied by Rasmus Schultz, please inform the author should you use smilies outside of PunBB.

And Easy BBCode is released under the GPL, just like PunBB. If you were to use it and distribute your source, you would have to distribute under the terms of the GPL.

Re: Can I use the smilies and Easy BBCode code for another project

if I only use the javascript for the easy bbcode, i can just make a note about the gpl in the JS right? and keep the project the way it is, i dont plan on selling it, just using it for my own use for now, but it might go gpl later on

Re: Can I use the smilies and Easy BBCode code for another project

I take that as a Yes I suppose hmm