Topic: Multiple css files

Yesterday i made up some changes in my css files and while working on it i found out that working on 3 different css files (the basic css file and the import) isnt very handy and i couldn't find a reason why it should be that way.

Can somebody tell me why it's nessacery that styling should be done with 3 css files (custom.css, custom_cs.css and base.css).

Re: Multiple css files

From my understanding, it breaks down like this:
base.css sets the main structure of PunBB, it's shared between all styles
stylename.css is the structure specific to stylename
stylename_cs.css is the color scheme for stylename. So anything with color is done here.

base.css is scrapped in 1.3, just FYI


Re: Multiple css files

And there is nothing forcing you to use 3 files. Just remove the import declarations and copy and paste the contents of base.css and _cs.css into the main file if you prefer it that way or just start from scratch with your own single stylesheet. Thats why import was used in the stylesheet rather than hard coding for multiple stylesheets, to give people the choice.

My personal choice is for modular css e.g. seperate stylesheets for forms, tables, posts etc. Thats why 1.3 will allow any stylesheet scheme designers want, anything from one stylesheet to as many as they like. The default though will be 2 plus, if appropriate, an IE specific stylesheet.