Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

fantasma wrote:

up this!!!

'Bump' may be a better word/term to use next time for this purpose. big_smile big_smile

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post



Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

the script removes the BBcode, there should not be any html in the description. <br> is not a valid tag, I don't know where it comes from

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

<meta name="description" content="<p>Finalmente anche in Europa la serie di catalizzatori universali .<br /><br />Unici nel loro genere, costituiti da un unico guscio metallico che racchiude il cuore ceramico plasmato a dovere, senza saldature di legatura tra le parti.<br /><br /><a href='http://www.car-sound.com/02product/universal/549spun.a" />

It a html tag how i can remove it to description??? maybe in the meta.php file??


Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post


yes yemgi  i done the modifications in viewtopic.php

but i think may be there is Conflict with another mods

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

Hello guys!!!

bumb this discussion!!!!

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

no more ideas??

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

this mod not work with the version 1.2.15


Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

Do you have the allow_html mod ?
There should be no html code, the variable $description that we get from viewtopic with if($post_count == 1) $description = $cur_post['message']; contains BBcode that is removed in meta.php by the function parser_del_bbcode(). if you have html tags in your description that means they were in $cur_post['message'] which is not possible for a standard punBB.

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

i not have html allow

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

Nice mod this one - Subscribed for developments

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

this mod will be do!!! help

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

that would require database hacking.
Now you are talking about something that can actually pull your site up in search engines.
But not by itself. You would need something like a tag cloud and modrewrite to take some advantage of those manually inserted meta tags.

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

yes i need this cand you do it?

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

This mod doesn't work  with 1.2.15 because of the following change:

* Moved template tag replacement of pun_include to the top of all replacements to prevent exploitation via XSS vulnerabilities. On top of this, all included files must have one of the file extensions .php, .php4, .php5, .inc, .html, .htm or .txt.

So, if you want to use this mod you could undo this change by cutting the following code

// START SUBST - <pun_include "*">
while (preg_match('#<pun_include "([^/\\\\]*?)\.(php[45]?|inc|html?|txt)">#', $tpl_main, $cur_include))
    if (!file_exists(PUN_ROOT.'include/user/'.$cur_include[1].'.'.$cur_include[2]))
        error('Unable to process user include '.htmlspecialchars($cur_include[0]).' from template main.tpl. There is no such file in folder /include/user/');

    include PUN_ROOT.'include/user/'.$cur_include[1].'.'.$cur_include[2];
    $tpl_temp = ob_get_contents();
    $tpl_main = str_replace($cur_include[0], $tpl_temp, $tpl_main);
// END SUBST - <pun_include "*">

from header.php

and pasting it into footer.php before

// Close the db connection (and free up any result data)

But since this may cause a security issue I would appreciate advice on how to insert

if($post_count == 1) $description = $cur_post['message'];

in viewtopic.php so that $description is available when template tag replacement of pun_include is made.

Any ideas?

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

ahhh... i am not picturing the viewtopic.php very clearly now. But are you sure you can move the template catch code to the end of the script?

Fantasma: Sorry i took so long to repply, i forgot about this thread.
I would do this some other time, but at this time i cant afford to put time on small code project. I would do it for a some money, but to be honest i feel kind of heavy conscience charging for a plugin to something that is kindly available for free.
But, more important than that there is another problem.
This module would require code hacking and database hacking, which basically means that you would have to manually make all the painfull changes when you update your forum. And it would all probably be useless when punbb 1.3 comes.

version 1.3 will have hooks and the plugins will be stored in the database. That will be the perfect conditions for the development of a mod like this.

If you can wait until 1.3 I think this mod should not take so long to pop up. Probably coded by me... i dunno.

42 (edited by gorsan 2008-10-06 11:42)

Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

looking for a hero to make this hack work in punBB 1.2.20  smile
it does not work for latest versions. Can someone write a tutorial again
in my opinion everyone using 1.2 needs this
and there is no other seo hack like this one


Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

there is a topic on punbb fr that solves this just search on google


Re: [SEO_mod for PunBB] Meta Keyword and meta description for each post

translate from french smile for punbb 1.2.20
