Topic: Restricting a Forum to Certain Users

First let me say what a great program punbb is. It's easy, it looks great, it's small and it's follows along the line of basic common sense. Let people register without all the fuss and set their profile later (if they want to). Great job folks!

I may have skipped over this in the Doc's and if I did just point me to it and I'll go back and read it, but for a quick answer... is it possible to create a Category or Forum and restrict it to certain members only?

I'd like to create family forums and restrict them to just members of that family, so they can have their own private discussion board so to speak.


Re: Restricting a Forum to Certain Users

Yes, you can create a group per family and allow only that family to view it.

Re: Restricting a Forum to Certain Users

Great! Now how exactly would I go about doing that?

I've created the Family Category and the different family forums in the Family category. I created the User Groups with the same name as the family name forum. I forget which section it was but I ticked off the ability to read, post and edit all except that family.

So, how do you make sure only the members of that family access the forum?

Re: Restricting a Forum to Certain Users

Add the users to the groups, basically.

Re: Restricting a Forum to Certain Users

Maybe my download came missing something. I do not have the option of adding a user to a group.

The Family category I created along with it's forums, don't show up in the main window. Does a user have to select which forum s/he wants to participate in during registration? This though, would allow anyone to register into a private forum and participate. If someone from a particular family has already registered prior to my setting up their private forum, they have to be deleted from the board and re-register to access their family forum.

Hmmm... that's no good.

Well... if you can't have private forums, then so be it. Punbb will still make a nice little forum for small sites. If you want more features you get a bigger and more complicated board.

Re: Restricting a Forum to Certain Users

You, as admin, have to go to the profile of the user and click on the Administration tab. There you can select what group the user is in.