1 (edited by GeoffG 2007-10-18 13:39)

Topic: My color usergroups ....

Well .. I've checked it once ... I've checked it twice .... in otherwords I've reinstalled the color usergroup mod twice ... and yet when I set a usersgroup to a color ... it never appears for that usergroup o.o


why could this be? does the usergroup mod still work with 1.2.15? I believe it would but hell I'm confused now cause I'm almost certain its been installed properly both times lol.

or is there something I'm forgetting  as to why it won't function properly >.>

I'm horrid in PHP I would go try to figure it out myself but I believe even if I found where the problem was ... I wouldn't be able to fix it without some help sad


Re: My color usergroups ....

First thing I'd suggest, (not knowing that mod offhand), is to regenerate/delete your cache files.

Re: My color usergroups ....

doesnt appear to work either o.o