Topic: Integration Problem [SOLVED]
Heya ppl!
Sneaking past this forum now once in a while. Really excited about punbb 1.3 mmm.
Well anyway my problem. I have like many integrated my forum into my site through the template file. The problem with my site is that I have dynamic menus (right managements etc.) that requires php files (header.php, footer.php). These I have in a "global" dir (../global/ seen from forum dir).
So first step was that you can't use php in main.tpl.. but there exist "<pun_include..."!!
Woopa.. so I created two files in "/include/user/" that looks like this and include them to the main.tpl.
include "../global/header.php";
But as fast as I include something out of "forum main dir" there starts to happen alot of "spooky" things on the forum...
Anyone that perhaps knows why this occurs?