Topic: Cross-Browser border bug


I have a forum (over @
As you may see, it has a new theme (obviously the problem causer)
Borders (the 'registration', 'profile', and 'administration' type, not borders that are to stylize it) arn't showing in firefox, but are in IE.

Any help in fixing this?
Doesn't sound like a very big problem, but because of the theme it's bigger than it looks (because the theme is so simple, without those borders it gets confusing)

Thanks in advance for any help smile

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

Anyone? :s
I'm sure this is simple enough for those that know what they're doing.

(I really wanted to get this done by tonight, so unless you can tell me in the next 3 minutes then it's very unlikely. I guess it'll be done tommorow, but to encourage you a REWARD will be offered)

3 (edited by Urilockz 2007-10-26 22:30)

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

I agree, I'm using firefox and I cannot see anything.
I'll take a proper look now.

Hey have you set them to #fff(white) on purpose?


/* 3.1 All external borders */ {BORDER-COLOR: #fff}

/* 3.2 Makes the top border of posts match the colour used for post headers */

DIV.blockpost {BORDER-COLOR: #fff #fff #fff}

/* 3.3 Table internal borders. By default TH is same as background so border is invisible */

.pun TD {BORDER-COLOR: #fff}
.pun TH {BORDER-COLOR: #fff}

/* 3.4 Creates the inset border for quote boxes, code boxes and form info boxes */

.pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, DIV.forminfo, DIV.blockpost LABEL {BORDER-COLOR: #fff #FFF #FFF #fff}

(In your easytheme_cs.css)

If you didn't know they were white you can just change them to #000 for black or a range of colours.

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

I'm afraid I don't see any borders in IE7 or Firefox 2

5 (edited by Robert Kelso 2007-10-26 22:35)

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

Urilockz wrote:

Hey have you set them to #fff(white) on purpose?

If you didn't know they were white you can just change them to #000 for black or a range of colours.

Nope, came with the skin, I've simply edited it a little.

the borders? I'll take some screenshots to help clear up.

Get what I mean? smile
EDIT: Hard to see in these minimised screenshots, I suggest going to the proper URL of them and you'll see what I mean wink
EDIT 2: It's that gray border around each section of register if you get me

6 (edited by Urilockz 2007-10-26 22:46)

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

OH, so that's what you meant!
I'll look into it again!

In your _cs.css file I saw something that fixed it in some way.


At the end of 3. BORDER COLORS

Change the #fff to #000

Also I think some padding might help.

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

Yay it worked dude!
thanks so much.

You got paypal? smile

8 (edited by Urilockz 2007-10-26 22:53)

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

Uhh yeah, hold on 2 seconds I need to find it tongue
I post the email address, right?

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

Also a great tool for fixing CSS,PHP,HTML or anything are the firefox web developer tools!
I used them to find out what was causing it easily.

It's like a WYSIWYG editor.


Re: Cross-Browser border bug

Robert Kelso: They didn't show up in Firefox or IE7 tongue

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

Yeah, there seem to still be more bugs with the site.
(thanks for everyones help so far)

Like in IE7 the page apparently isn't centered (So i've been told...I hate IE7 so I'm still on 6 tongue)
Any fixes for this?

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

I'll take a look and post anything I can find on your site, ok?

Re: Cross-Browser border bug

Thanks man, really appreciated.
I know a few already, but I'm sure there are one or two more:
Ps: I'll be sure to send you a little green soon enough. smile