Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

the code below seems to work. However, the problem seems to also reside on the index as well (for sub-forums) only. It still shows up as new.

if (!$pun_user['is_guest'] && $cur_subforum[''] > $pun_user['f.last_post'])


Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

bingiman wrote:

the code below seems to work. However, the problem seems to also reside on the index as well (for sub-forums) only. It still shows up as new.

if (!$pun_user['is_guest'] && $cur_subforum[''] > $pun_user['f.last_post'])

One down, one to go. big_smile Post your index.php. Btw, did you get my second e-mail okay?

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Here is my index.php file. As for your emails. I just got them because they ended up in my junk mail inbox. Thank you for the files.


  Copyright (C) 2002-2005  Rickard Andersson (

  This file is part of PunBB.

  PunBB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
  or (at your option) any later version.

  PunBB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
  MA  02111-1307  USA


define('PUN_ROOT', './');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0')
    message($lang_common['No view']);

// Load the index.php language file
require PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/index.php';

$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']);
define('PUN_ALLOW_INDEX', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'header.php';

########################### Sub Forum MOD (start) ##############################
$sfdb = array($_parent_id_, $_topics_, $_posts_, $_last_post_id_, $_last_poster_, $_last_post_);
//$forums_info = $db->query('SELECT num_topics, num_posts, parent_forum_id, last_post_id, last_poster, last_post, id, forum_name FROM '.$db->prefix.'forums ORDER BY disp_position') or error(implode($db->error(),''),__FILE__,__LINE__,$db->error());

$forums_info = $db->query('SELECT f.num_topics, f.num_posts, f.parent_forum_id, f.last_post_id, f.last_poster, f.last_post,, f.forum_name, p.poster_id as last_poster_id, t.subject FROM '.$db->prefix.'forums AS f LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'posts AS p ON ( LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'topics AS t ON t.last_post_id=f.last_post_id ORDER BY disp_position') or error(implode($db->error(),''),__FILE__,__LINE__,$db->error());
while($current = $db->fetch_assoc($forums_info)) {
 if ($current['parent_forum_id'] != 0)
   $sfdb[$sfcount][0] = $current['parent_forum_id'];
   $sfdb[$sfcount][1] = $current['num_topics'];
   $sfdb[$sfcount][2] = $current['num_posts'];
   $sfdb[$sfcount][3] = $current['last_post_id'];
   $sfdb[$sfcount][4] = $current['last_poster'];
   $sfdb[$sfcount][5] = $current['last_post'];
   $sfdb[$sfcount][6] = $current['id'];
   $sfdb[$sfcount][7] = $current['forum_name'];
   $sfdb[$sfcount][8] = $current['last_poster_id'];
   $sfdb[$sfcount][9] = $current['subject'];

########################### Sub Forum MOD ( end ) ##############################

$new_topics = get_all_new_topics();

// Print the categories and forums
$result = $db->query('SELECT AS cid, c.cat_name, AS fid, f.forum_name, f.forum_desc, f.redirect_url, f.moderators, f.num_topics, f.num_posts, f.last_post, f.last_post_id, f.last_poster, f.parent_forum_id, p.poster_id as last_poster_id, t.subject FROM '.$db->prefix.'categories AS c INNER JOIN '.$db->prefix.'forums AS f ON LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'topics AS t ON t.last_post_id=f.last_post_id LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'forum_perms AS fp ON ( AND fp.group_id='.$pun_user['g_id'].') LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'posts AS p ON ( WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) AND (f.parent_forum_id IS NULL OR f.parent_forum_id=0) ORDER BY c.disp_position,, f.disp_position', true) or error('Unable to fetch category/forum list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

$cur_category = 0;
$cat_count = 0;

// stuff for toggling categories
$cat_ids = (isset($_COOKIE['collapseprefs']))? $_COOKIE['collapseprefs'].',': FALSE;

while ($cur_forum = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
    $moderators = '';

    if ($cur_forum['cid'] != $cur_category)    // A new category since last iteration?
        if ($cur_category != 0)
            echo "\t\t\t".'</tbody>'."\n\t\t\t".'</table>'."\n\t\t".'</div>'."\n\t".'</div>'."\n".'</div>'."\n\n";


        // Setting varibles for toggling categories
        $div_box = strstr($cat_ids, $cat_count.',')? ' style="display:none"' : '';
        $exp_img = (is_file('img/'.$pun_user['style'].'/exp_down.png')? 'img/'.$pun_user['style'].'/': 'img/') . (strpos($div_box,'none') ? 'exp_down.png' : 'exp_up.png');
<div id="idx<?php echo $cat_count ?>" class="blocktable">
        <span class="conr"><a href="javascript:togglecategory(<?php echo $cat_count?>);"><img style="vertical-align: middle;" src="<?php echo $exp_img?>" alt="Collapse" id="img_<?php echo $cat_count?>" /></a></span>
        <span><?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['cat_name']) ?></span>
    <div class="box" style="border-top: 0px;" id="box_<?php echo $cat_count ?>"<?php echo $div_box?>>
        <div class="inbox">
            <table cellspacing="0">
                    <th class="tcl" scope="col"><?php echo $lang_common['Forum'] ?></th>
                    <th class="tc2" scope="col"><?php echo $lang_index['Topics'] ?></th>
                    <th class="tc3" scope="col"><?php echo $lang_common['Posts'] ?></th>
                    <th class="tcr" scope="col"><?php echo $lang_common['Last post'] ?></th>

        $cur_category = $cur_forum['cid'];

    $item_status = '';
    $icon_text = $lang_common['Normal icon'];
    $icon_type = 'icon';

    // Are there new posts?
    if (!$pun_user['is_guest'] && forum_is_new($cur_forum['fid'], $cur_forum['last_post']))
        $item_status = 'inew';
        $icon_text = $lang_common['New icon'];
        $icon_type = 'icon inew';

    // Is this a redirect forum?
    if ($cur_forum['redirect_url'] != '')
        $forum_field = '<h3><a onclick="; return false;" href="'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['redirect_url']).'" title="'.$lang_index['Link to'].' '.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['redirect_url']).'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['forum_name']).'</a></h3>';
        $num_topics = $num_posts = ' ';
        $item_status = 'iredirect';
        $icon_text = $lang_common['Redirect icon'];
        $icon_type = 'icon';
        $forum_field = '<h3><a href="viewforum.php?id='.$cur_forum['fid'].'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['forum_name']).'</a></h3>';
########################### Sub Forum MOD (start) ##############################
  $n_t = 0;
  $n_p = 0;
  $l_pid = $cur_forum['last_post_id'];
  $l_pr = $cur_forum['last_poster'];
  $l_pr_id = $cur_forum['last_poster_id'];
  $l_pr_su = $cur_forum['subject'];
  $l_post = $cur_forum['last_post'];
  for ($i = 0; $i < $sfcount; $i++)
   if ($sfdb[$i][0] == $cur_forum['fid'])
     $n_t = $n_t + $sfdb[$i][1];
     $n_p = $n_p + $sfdb[$i][2];
     if ($l_pid < $sfdb[$i][3])
       $l_pid = $sfdb[$i][3];
       $l_pr = $sfdb[$i][4];
     $l_pr_id = $sfdb[$i][8];
       $l_post = $sfdb[$i][5];
       $l_pr_su = $sfdb[$i][9];
  $num_topics = $n_t + $cur_forum['num_topics'];
  $num_posts = $n_p + $cur_forum['num_posts'];
########################### Sub Forum MOD ( end ) ##############################

    if ($cur_forum['forum_desc'] != '')
        $forum_field .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".$cur_forum['forum_desc'];

    // Display the last topic
    $idm = $l_pr_su;
    if(strlen($idm) > 25) {
        $idmComp = str_replace('"', "''", $idm);
        $idm = substr($idm, 0, 25).'...';
    } else
        $idmComp = '';
    // If there is a last_post/last_poster.
    if ($l_post != '') {
        $idmT = (isset($idmComp)) ? ' title="'.$idmComp.'"' : '';
    $last_post = 'Re: <a href="viewtopic.php?pid='.$l_pid.'#p'.$l_pid.'"'.$idmT.'>'.$idm.'</a><br />'.format_time($l_post).'<br /><span class="byuser">'.$lang_common['by'].' <a href="profile.php?id='.$l_pr_id.'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($l_pr).'</a></span>';
    } else
        $last_post = ' ';

    if ($cur_forum['moderators'] != '')
        $mods_array = unserialize($cur_forum['moderators']);
        $moderators = array();

        while (list($mod_username, $mod_id) = @each($mods_array))
            $moderators[] = '<a href="profile.php?id='.$mod_id.'"><span class="byuser">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($mod_username).'</span></a>';

        $moderators = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<br /><span class="moderator">[<span class="mod_by">'.$lang_common['Moderated by'].':</span> '.implode(', ', $moderators).']</span>'."\n";
            if (!empty($sfdb))
                foreach ($sfdb as $sub_forums)
                    if ($cur_forum['fid'] == $sub_forums[0] && !$pun_user['is_guest'] && $sub_forums[5] > $pun_user['last_visit'])
                        $item_status = 'inew';
                        $icon_text = $lang_common['New icon'];
                        $icon_type = 'icon inew';

                 <tr<?php if ($item_status != '') echo ' class="'.$item_status.'"'; ?>>
                    <td class="tcl">
                        <div class="intd">
                            <div class="<?php echo $icon_type ?>"><div class="nosize"><?php echo $icon_text ?></div></div>
                            <div class="tclcon">
                                <?php echo $forum_field."\n".$moderators ?>
                        $sub_forums_list = array();
                        if(!empty($sfdb)) {
                           foreach ($sfdb as $sub_forums) {
                                 if($cur_forum['fid'] == $sub_forums[0]) {
                                    $sub_forums_list[] = '<a class="subforum_name" href="viewforum.php?id='.$sub_forums[6].'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($sub_forums[7]).'</a>';
                           if(!empty($sub_forums_list)) {
                                 // Leave one $sub_forums_list commented out to use the other (between the ###..)
                                 // This is Single Line Wrap Style
                                 $sub_forums_list = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<span class="subforum">'.$lang_common['Sub Forums'].':</span> '.implode(', ', $sub_forums_list)."\n";
                                 // This is List Style
                                 //$sub_forums_list = "\n".'<b><em>Sub Forums:</em></b><br />  --  '.implode('<br />  --  ', $sub_forums_list)."\n";
                                 if ($cur_forum['forum_desc'] != NULL) {
                                    echo "<br />";
                                 echo "$sub_forums_list";
                    <td class="tc2"><?php echo $num_topics ?></td>
                    <td class="tc3"><?php echo $num_posts ?></td>
                    <td style="text-align: right;" class="tcr"><?php echo $last_post ?></td>


// Did we output any categories and forums?
if ($cur_category > 0)
    echo "\t\t\t".'</tbody>'."\n\t\t\t".'</table>'."\n\t\t".'</div>'."\n\t".'</div>'."\n".'</div>'."\n\n";
    echo '<div id="idx0" class="block"><div class="box"><div class="inbox"><p>'.$lang_index['Empty board'].'</p></div></div></div>';

// Collect some statistics from the database
$result = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(id)-1 FROM '.$db->prefix.'users') or error('Unable to fetch total user count', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
$stats['total_users'] = $db->result($result);

$result = $db->query('SELECT id, username FROM '.$db->prefix.'users ORDER BY registered DESC LIMIT 1') or error('Unable to fetch newest registered user', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
$stats['last_user'] = $db->fetch_assoc($result);

$result = $db->query('SELECT SUM(num_topics), SUM(num_posts) FROM '.$db->prefix.'forums') or error('Unable to fetch topic/post count', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
list($stats['total_topics'], $stats['total_posts']) = $db->fetch_row($result);

<div id="brdstats" class="block">
    <h2><span><?php echo $lang_index['Board info'] ?></span></h2>
    <div class="box">
        <div class="inbox">
            <dl class="conr">
                <dt><strong><?php echo $lang_index['Board stats'] ?></strong></dt>
                <dd><?php echo $lang_index['No of users'].': <strong>'. $stats['total_users'] ?></strong></dd>
                <dd><?php echo $lang_index['No of topics'].': <strong>'.$stats['total_topics'] ?></strong></dd>
                <dd><?php echo $lang_index['No of posts'].': <strong>'.$stats['total_posts'] ?></strong></dd>
            <dl class="conl">
                <dt><strong><?php echo $lang_index['User info'] ?></strong></dt>
                <dd><?php echo $lang_index['Newest user'] ?>: <a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $stats['last_user']['id'] ?>"><?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($stats['last_user']['username']) ?></a></dd>

if ($pun_config['o_users_online'] == '1')
    // Fetch users online info and generate strings for output
    $num_guests = 0;
    $users = array();
    $result = $db->query('SELECT user_id, ident FROM '.$db->prefix.'online WHERE idle=0 ORDER BY ident', true) or error('Unable to fetch online list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

    while ($pun_user_online = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
        if ($pun_user_online['user_id'] > 1)
            $users[] = "\n\t\t\t\t".'<dd><a href="profile.php?id='.$pun_user_online['user_id'].'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_user_online['ident']).'</a>';

    $num_users = count($users);
    echo "\t\t\t\t".'<dd>'. $lang_index['Users online'].': <strong>'.$num_users.'</strong></dd>'."\n\t\t\t\t".'<dd>'.$lang_index['Guests online'].': <strong>'.$num_guests.'</strong></dd>'."\n\t\t\t".'</dl>'."\n";

    if ($num_users > 0)
        echo "\t\t\t".'<dl id="onlinelist" class= "clearb">'."\n\t\t\t\t".'<dt><strong>'.$lang_index['Online'].': </strong></dt>'."\t\t\t\t".implode(',</dd> ', $users).'</dd>'."\n\t\t\t".'</dl>'."\n";
        echo "\t\t\t".'<div class="clearer"></div>'."\n";

    echo "\t\t".'</dl>'."\n\t\t\t".'<div class="clearer"></div>'."\n";

$footer_style = 'index';
require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';


Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Change this line:

if (!$pun_user['is_guest'] && forum_is_new($cur_forum['fid'], $cur_forum['last_post']))


if (!$pun_user['is_guest'] && forum_is_new($cur_forum['fid'], $cur_forum['f.last_post']))
bingiman wrote:

I just got them because they ended up in my junk mail inbox.

I had an idea the second one might do due to the inline content. big_smile Glad they got there okay. smile

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

That doesn't work for the index. I actually tried that before.

56 (edited by Surkow 2007-10-28 18:15)

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

When I get home I will test the suggestions. I remember I got the correct results on viewforum.php before. But (like bingiman said) it doesn't work for the index.

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

yeah, My viewforum seems fine. It is just the index now and I'll be a happy man. Well, I shall wait for you to do your stuff Surkow and I'll keep monitoring this topic. big_smile


Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

bingiman wrote:

the code below seems to work. However, the problem seems to also reside on the index as well (for sub-forums) only. It still shows up as new.

if (!$pun_user['is_guest'] && $cur_subforum[''] > $pun_user['f.last_post'])

Just been looking, (god, I hate the db side of things), big_smile and that should work without the f. bits. That f. looks like it's just a separator/locator used during the query build, so to speak.


Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

I've no idea how this mark as read mod works, but judging by that code above that you say works, I would think that this would have the same effect in index.php:

Change this line:

if ($cur_forum['fid'] == $sub_forums[0] && !$pun_user['is_guest'] && $sub_forums[5] > $pun_user['last_visit'])


if ($cur_forum['fid'] == $sub_forums[0] && !$pun_user['is_guest'] && $sub_forums[5] > $pun_user['last_post'])

This is merely a highly tenuous theory, however. big_smile big_smile

60 (edited by bingiman 2007-10-28 18:51)

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Seems like nothing wants to work. sad

61 (edited by bingiman 2007-10-28 18:56)

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

You know..looking at it a bit closer now. Lets say I post in a sub forum then this should also show me a new post icon but it doesn't' do that either. The only way I can see the new icon is on the index and by clicking on the actual "sub forum name" and then I can see the new icon next to the post, so this tells me that there is a still a problem with viewforum.

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

ok, my last post. Well, I figured that out. I cannot use the following in viewforum:

if (!$pun_user['is_guest'] && $cur_subforum[''] > $pun_user['f.last_post'])

so I had to switch back to the default:

if (!$pun_user['is_guest'] && $cur_subforum['last_post'] > $pun_user['last_visit'])

This way the new icon is displayed in viewforum and when in the actual post listing, so I guess we're back to square one.

arghh..This is frustrating.


Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Db work is a bugger ain't it. big_smile How does that mark as read mod work? Does it have an extra db column/table or something? What does that function in it do?

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

AS far as I can see it alters the user table:

            $db->query("ALTER TABLE ".$db->prefix."users ADD read_topics MEDIUMTEXT DEFAULT NULL") or error('Unable to add column "read_topics" to table "users"', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

65 (edited by MattF 2007-10-28 20:31)

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Have you got the link for that mod? Seem to remember I once looked at it, but there's cartloads of changes to make to the files, isn't there? I might have a peek at it again. big_smile Without the faintest idea how the thing works overall, it's a bit hard to work around it. big_smile


Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

MattF wrote:

Have you got the link for that mod? Seem to remember I once looked at it, but there's cartloads of changes to make to the files, isn't there? I might have a peek at it again. big_smile Without the faintest idea how the thing works overall, it's a bit hard to work around it. big_smile

This is the topic where you can download it:

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Actually Matt, It is very easy to install. I was a bit hesitant at first but when I saw Surkow had this mod I just had to install it because it only makes sense to have this on your forums. It should be in the core of punBB.


68 (edited by Surkow 2007-10-28 21:21)

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

bingiman wrote:

Actually Matt, It is very easy to install. I was a bit hesitant at first but when I saw Surkow had this mod I just had to install it because it only makes sense to have this on your forums. It should be in the core of punBB.


Agreed, This mod isn't difficult to install at all. There are just a few modifications for the index.php and viewforum.php files. I guess my knowledge about the queries needed is a bit limited.

Edit: it seems people were trying to solve this problem a while ago in the mark posts as read topic for a french version of the subforum mod. See this link for more info. It doesn't seem to be the exact same mod...but perhaps we could learn something from it.

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Smartys. Can you please help me with this?

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

As much as I love helping you guys out, I'm fairly busy with other things and I just don't have the time to help the two of you out with, essentially, a major rewrite of a modification. tongue

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

ok, I understand. Is there anyone else who can help us out here?


Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Just one last quick question, if I may. Each post id is totally unique? I assume the post id is incremented by one for each post made across the board, and that the topic id is totally irrelevant to the post id?




Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Scrub that question. Just thought to check the db table docs for the answer. big_smile

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

Any progress on this Matt?

75 (edited by Surkow 2007-10-29 19:11)

Re: Sub Forum Mod and index

bingiman wrote:

Any progress on this Matt?

I've send him a mail with the same question. tongue

Atm I can only try to understand how the modification works. Perhaps it's best to read the other topic I linked with info about the french subforum modification.