Topic: what's most popular comment method for small business?

what's most popular comment method for small business?

Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

Unfortunately a forum is not the answer.

I would recomend something like a threaded discussion per item.

A bit like the forum portal systems.


Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

Bit hard to answer on such a vague outline. What one classes as a comment system maybe completely different to someone elses perception of a comment system.

Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

I mean inline comment!


Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

And what, pray, is an inline comment? Inline with what? Vague questions will receive vague, if any, answers.

Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

inline comment for small business system: PHP + mysql.
Or I ask what method will you use in documentation - making inline comment? 
A) Using common specification
B) Using phpDoc
C) Using xml
D) Using javaAPI documentation generator
E) other

Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

that depends on what you are documenting.

8 (edited by MattF 2007-10-30 17:34)

Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

I'm still wondering what the point of the question is, to be honest. Also, what exactly the specific question is. big_smile I mean, inline documentation commenting is still a bloody vague description. big_smile

If you are designing your own system, there is no preferred method, other than simplicity and legibility. Keep it simple. Other than that, each person on here will have their own semantic preferences for just about everything. I, for one, like, and generally use, *nix type semantics in most things. I merely adapt it slightly to blend in with whatever exists. If you're starting with a clean slate, however, then take your pick.

Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

Excuse me, what's meant by "nix type semantics "?
I want to document php files, will comment with xml, I hope there's a tool to help me change the xml comment into webpage like documentation or input the specific terms into database, understand? But I wonder whether xml is a popular method to comment programs. Understand?

10 (edited by MattF 2007-10-31 04:21)

Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

That makes more sense. smile *nix type semantics refers to unix, (or any of the *nix family, i.e: Linux), type method of commenting, or creating documentation. It's not a specified format, but more of an inherited way of doing things. smile

I do believe there is a programme which pretty much does what you're suggesting above. Can't think of what it's called offhand, but if I can dig the info out, I'll post the link.

With regards to your comment method, if xml type commenting is what you want, there's no reason not to use it.  smile

Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

That means you suggest me to use "nix...." , but i am using window, but not linux wo.


Re: what's most popular comment method for small business?

annalilias wrote:

That means you suggest me to use "nix...." , but i am using window, but not linux wo.

No, I said I personally prefer that style. I never suggested you had to. big_smile