Topic: Apache 2

I do NOT recommend using Apache 2 with PHP. So far, I have only encountered problems with this combination. There are a number of unresolved incompabilies in the PHP 4 module for Apache which are being worked on, but until they are fixed, I strongly recommend that you use Apache 1.3.* instead.

If you decide to use Apache 2 anyway, at least make sure that you are using a PHP version that was released after the Apache 2 version you are running.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Apache 2

Vad ahr du stöt på för problem med apache 2 och php4?
jag kör det nu, och jag märker absolut igen skillande jämnfört med apache 1 modellerna...

4B 65 6E 6E 65 6C 20 65 20 65 6E 20 67 61 6E 67 73 74 65 72

Re: Apache 2

Ja, det är en del. Det vanligaste problemet är att det ballar ur med output buffering så att scriptet hamnar i en hysterisk loop där apache spottar ut delar av sidan och sen redirectar till samma sida igen. Mycket irriterande är det iaf. Ta en titt på, så ser du att det är en hel del problem.

Förresten, jag började denna tråd med ett inlägg på engelska i hopp om att folk skulle fortsätta med det om de svarade :-)

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

4 (edited by gribber 2003-06-09 19:37)

Re: Apache 2

Detta är kanske lösningen?

Edit: dvs, uppdatera till PHP 4.3.2+.

5 (edited by Frank H 2003-06-21 14:47)

Re: Apache 2

I now went to PHP 4.3.2 Stable, and my problem with pages getting cached when they weren't supposed to has dissapeared. So now I can use punbb without hazzle with Apache 2. smile

Re: Apache 2

From the PHP changelog for 4.3.2:

Added a new Apache 2.0 SAPI module (sapi/apache2handler) based on the old version (sapi/apache2filter).

I guess the "new" version solves some of the problems.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Apache 2

Yes Apache 2 is pretty heavy


Re: Apache 2

A use forum with Apache 2 during 2 month and have no any problems. PHP is compiled as Apache module.