Topic: Change Index link to "Home" and a question about User Lists

I have two more questions. 

1.  Is it possible to change the nav links so that instead of Index it says Home?  If so, which file would I need to edit?

2.  Is it possible to remove the User List from the nav links?  If so, which file?  My client wishes not to have a User List that is searchable.


Re: Change Index link to "Home" and a question about User Lists

1. Yes, you can use your language file to achieve that by editing your language files. Open lang/yourlanguage/common.php

'Index'                    =>    'Index',

and replace by

'Index'                    =>    'Home',

2.Yes, go to include/functions.php.... somewhere around like 275 you will find this:

$links[] = '<li id="navuserlist"><a href="userlist.php">'.$lang_common['User list'].'</a>';

Comment that line by adding  two slashes in its beginning.

Be careful, you are going into punbb's code here. If you are not familiar with php and are not sure about something ask first. A missing semicolumn can break your forums.


Re: Change Index link to "Home" and a question about User Lists

Thank you so much!