1 (edited by ControlZeta 2007-11-17 23:08)

Topic: Unique Forum icon status?

First of all.. sorry for my english : (

Second tongue

I want to put a different icon for every forum in the index.. my idea is with css, just adding an unique class or ID to  the TR of the forum.. for that i nedd to get de UNIQUE ID of the forum, but i dont have any idea how to get that.. i imagine something like this.. 

<tr id="insertPHPhereToGetTheUniqueID">

and there i can just put something like this in the css

tr#ID1 { the image }

tr#ID1 .inew { the image with the new status }

in a simply way.. how can i get the ID of a forum, or how can i put differents icons??

thnx for reading and sorry for all the mixed stuff + bad english

this is a image of what i design and want..


Re: Unique Forum icon status?

Look at the loop in index.php

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

Isn't that like forum categories? I didn't even think that was possible with pun. I did try it before and had no success.

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

Oh, it's a trivial mod to add an ID to the tr. 1.3 already has it, actually.

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

Smartys im skining the punbb-1.2.15 is there a way to do that in this version?

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

Yes, as I said it's a trivial mod. You just have to edit index.php. My point was simply that 1.3 already has this (and thus it is possible).

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

im too n00b... what is a trivial mod? sorry if im too heavy on the question.. (too anoying)

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

mod = modification
trivial = small, simple, in this case

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

The line of code you need to edit in index.php is this one:

<tr<?php if ($item_status != '') echo ' class="'.$item_status.'"'; ?>>

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

thnx.. but what i need to put there? i think is something like $forum_id or somethign to call the ID or a special thing for each forum..

Re: Unique Forum icon status?


<tr<?php if ($item_status != '') echo ' class="'.$item_status.'"'; ?>>


<tr id="forum<?php echo $cur_forum['fid']; ?>"<?php if ($item_status != '') echo ' class="'.$item_status.'"'; ?>>

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

im gonna try it! thnx!!..

Re: Unique Forum icon status?

works like a charm (L)