Topic: my Antispam Solution - through reCAPTCHA + Alltime Censoring SPAM
Hi everybody,
first of all: LOVE THIS FORUM!
I installed it just today as a former phpbb admin. First impression: Love it! (in fact, even though I'm a poor student I would donate some bugs if knew whereto)
I found out that censoring words like .com into dot_com and other tld could be an effective way to keep spammers out which promote
all kinds of stuff for ggl rankings.
It works even during the registration procedure. It's just great! You can try it out here:
It works almost in every environment but on personal user details. If you could get the code to check there too in the same way for censored words
as during the registration process there would be no way at all for bots to register with their crap. It even works on email addresses.
There is no work around yet but to disable "User info in posts"
This is the only drawback I found so far on censoring.
I don't know if you are aware of this but facebook forums are running on punbb using reCAPTCHA on registration.
Anyhow, I contacted a moderator from the facebooks forums today and asked him to share the plugin for reCAPTCHA (no answer yet).
I need to give it a try. Didn't find any better solution for now than that.
We are launching soon a huge website (not the one mentioned above) with estimated over 150k users to fit over time and are running tests on punbb, smf, icebb and bbpress.
As far as I can tell for now, if punbb keeps on running like that there will be no need left to check out the other ones. If someone here has experience with a that big load of users
hosted on punbb and thinks this is the wrong solution performance or database wise then let me know. Suggestions are very welcome!
If there is one of you having a solution for Censoring at all times already or even got reCAPTCHA plugin working please share.
Thank you guys for doing what you did so far. It's great stuff.