I found a solution! Feel so proud of myself hahaha.
This is how i do it in case some1 is interested:
a) create all the images (same height and width, any names) and put them in /img/headers/
b) Create this php file (random_image.php) and put in in my /style/ directory
header('Content-type: text/css');
$dir=opendir("/data/4/0/51/132/214947/user/218384/htdocs/kadus/img/headers/"); // actual path of the images to select
die("Failed to read directory");
if(ereg($pattern, $s))
// make random number
.pun #brdtitle h1 span{
/* remove slash and* for hidden title
font-size: 0;
text-indent: -1000px;
/* use this if the title is not hidden */
padding-top: 40px;
padding-left: 5px;
color: #FFF;
/* */
height: 160px;
/* change the height above to fit your actual header img height */
background-image: url(<?="http://your forum.coc/img/headers/".$image[$randNum]; ?>);
background-position: 50% 0;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin-left: -5px;
margin-right: -5px;
margin-bottom: -43px;
In this case, I am using Blue_Lagon.cs. The style above are taken from the blue_lagon_cs.css in the /style/imports/ folder. Therefore, the original entry for the above in the blue_lagon_cs.css should be deleted.
c) open /style/blue_lagon.css and add this somewhere around the top, below the other @import statements
@import url(random_image.php);
Thats's it! The same can be applied to all the other stylesheets that you are using.