Topic: Multi-forum threads
I don't see it anywhere, neither in the website nor in the forums, so I guess it's not there, and somehow I miss it. That's, the ability of posting a single thread in different forums, so that is available from different places.
If you ask me, it's a very interesting feature, and quite nice to have when building communities or big forums, as long as its usability is restricted. I *think* that, so far, none of the other heavyweights (vBulletin, PHPboards, IPB) have implemented it. To be honest I 've only seen it in an ugly but functional forum a friend built from the scratch using perl, though I do not visit forums very often and may be wrong.
If it is not there, would it be difficult to implement? Obviously it is not trivial. I'm pretty new here and haven't even looked at the code yet.
Edit. Forgot to mention that IMO it would fit very well with the idea of what PunBB is, and what I like of it.