Topic: Just a DUMB question

I am the admin of a new PunBB board and I can't find how to make a post "sticky".
I know this should be easy but I just can't seem to find it



Re: Just a DUMB question

On the thread view, check the end of the page. There, you'll see the moderation tools: sticky, move, etc.

Re: Just a DUMB question

I guess there is a lot I don't know.I made it "sticky" but that's not all I needed.
I want it to be the first post in the topic, where is is currently the last post.


Re: Just a DUMB question

You can't change the position of a post within a topic, just a topic within a forum wink

Re: Just a DUMB question

Thank You !, I like the fact that there is not a lot of "un-needed" stuff in PunBB.
I have a Phpbb board that is  "Invitation Only" … 69069ddcbe

is there such a mod for PunBB ??

I haven't had any problems with Spam registrations YET, but ...


Re: Just a DUMB question

There's an invitation mod (found here), but I don't know that it allows you to limit registrations to just invited users by default. You can, of course, use PunBB's built in group system so that people who register are put into a usergroup with no permissions. Then members can tell you who they've invited.

Re: Just a DUMB question


I will look into it if and when it becomes a problem


8 (edited by dritchie 2008-01-07 15:23)

Re: Just a DUMB question

I guess I'm confused between "topics" and "forums". ??

Can you clear that up for me ?

Re: Just a DUMB question

Troubleshooting is a forum. It contains many topics.
Just a DUMB question (this topic) is a topic. It contains many posts.

Re: Just a DUMB question

I see, then a bbs system COULD have only one forum, with many topics.


Re: Just a DUMB question

yes it COULD  have only one but it has the ability to can potentially have multiple forums (also called categories) that each contain multiple topics (also called threads) each containing multiple posts

Re: Just a DUMB question

Many forums are not a category, they are CONTAINED in a category. You could have one forum per category wink