Topic: Breadcrumbs

I'm having some trouble with the breadcrumbs.  Whenever a topic title's too long, the breadcrumbs stretch over two lines.  Example

What I'd like is simply to have the breadcrumbs run from the far left, above or below the page count.  Is this possible?  And if so, how?   

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Breadcrumbs

DIV.linkst .conl, DIV.linksb .conl, DIV.postlinksb .conl {WIDTH:18em}

DIV.linkst .conr, DIV.linksb .conr, DIV.postlinksb .conr {WIDTH:16em}

Perhaps change those to percents?

Re: Breadcrumbs

Tried that, but if I increase them, to force the breadcrumbs to a 2nd line, the entire sidebar will appear underneath the messages.

Re: Breadcrumbs

Check out the markup on my forum, I edited the source code to move the crumbs above the page numbers. You basicly just need to move the list up and down for the top and bottom crumbs respectivly.

So for the crumbs at the top of the forum page, change this in viewforum.php..

<div class="linkst">
    <div class="inbox">
        <p class="pagelink conl"><?php echo $paging_links ?></p>
<?php echo $post_link ?>
        <ul><li><a href="index.php"><?php echo $lang_common['Index'] ?></a> </li><li>» <?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['forum_name']) ?></li></ul>
        <div class="clearer"></div>

to this..

<div class="linkst">
    <div class="inbox">
        <ul><li><a href="index.php"><?php echo $lang_common['Index'] ?></a> </li><li>» <?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['forum_name']) ?></li></ul>
        <p class="pagelink conl"><?php echo $paging_links ?></p>
<?php echo $post_link ?>
        <div class="clearer"></div>

and for the crumbs at the bottom of the forum page, change this again in viewforum.php..

<div class="linksb">
    <div class="inbox">
        <p class="pagelink conl"><?php echo $paging_links ?></p>
<?php echo $post_link ?>
        <ul><li><a href="index.php"><?php echo $lang_common['Index'] ?></a> </li><li>» <?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['forum_name']) ?></li></ul>
        <div class="clearer"></div>

to this..

<div class="linksb">
    <div class="inbox">
        <p class="pagelink conl"><?php echo $paging_links ?></p>
<?php echo $post_link ?>
        <div class="clearer"></div>
        <ul><li><a href="index.php"><?php echo $lang_common['Index'] ?></a> </li><li>» <?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['forum_name']) ?></li></ul>

It`s basicly the same thing for the other files. Good luck.